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Long Time No Speak

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Just to say hello all. Been a bit busy recently with work etc and so haven't visited for a while. Too many posts to catch upm so if I ramble on about things that have already been discussed recently ... we tough! :roll:


Some of you may recall that my cat Hebe had a RTA at Easter and was on death's door - well she was back at the vets today because her scar/skin caused a stricture cutting off the supply of blood in her tail and we were all prepared for her coming home without a tail but Tom - our fantastic vet - has performed miracles again and it looks like she's in with a chance of keeping it :D


Mavis and Edna are fine but still no eggs! I'll have to check the posts to see if Phil has laid yet - what are the chances of me having two barren hens!!!


Trust everyone is well - I'll try and log on a bit more now that the evenings are cold and wet! :wink:

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Hello Red,


Missed you! Nice to see you back again. I can't believe your chickens are STILL holding onto their eggs! Have you shown them the roasting dish yet??


Sorry about your poor cat. Just goes to show there are some fantastic vets out there, doesn't it.


Hope you'll be posting again!


Take care,

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mmmm ... I saw a Kate A post and it looks like her Phil never started laying. Mine are to be 26 weeks old now. Do you think they'll not start now until Spring? (I'm reluctant to think they may never start but I'm getting this funny feeling :? )

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Hi Red good to see you around the forum again hope the cat keeps well and hangs on to her tail............ :D


I think Hybrids should just lay when they are old enough and not wait until the spring mine started to lay last winter and carried on right through so touch wood you will get some eggs soon.......... :lol:

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Hi Red, nice to see you back. Yes my husband has dreaded this time of the year coming (cold and wet and dark nights) knowing full well that it will mean me spending more time on here chatting (I feel boxes of chocs and glasses of wine coming on). Hope the cat is OK. Re your girls - any signs of red wattles or combs yet?? any crouching down when you go near them?? My Doris has been like this the last few days - I feel an egg is imminent, but still waiting. Hope you don't have to wait too long now. :wink:

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