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Sarah 2

Next week we're getting a bantam chick 8 weeks old. HELP

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He can come off chick crumb now gradually, but he'd be better off on Growers Pellets until he's a bit older. After that it'll be fine for him to share the layers pellets!


You two current hens will bully him though and he's much too young to stand up for himself at 8 weeks. He really does need separate accomodation until he's at least 5-6 months old - for his own safety. The fact that he's a boy won't save him - he's an incomer and a baby at that - he doesn't stand a chance :( . However, once he's fully mature, he'll put your hens in their place and rule the roost. But until then, you really must keep them away from him.

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No we don't want chicks. Now I'm not sure whether to accept the chick. It all started because I wanted to get buff orpingtons but they're too big for the eglu. Does anyone know if this is true and if I could fit one in with two other hens? :lol: So anyway we went to see my husbands friend who breeds buff orpington bantams but he only had a cockerel. He said we could have him. He is lovely but I not sure. So I don't know what to do. Because we definitely would like to get another chicken as one of ours has died. We need to do it sooner than later. :? Help me

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sounds like your husband's mate might be looking to get rid of a potential problem... do you really want a cockerel? can you and the neighbours stand it? I'd say no to the boy, and hang on for a bit to find another girl somewhere!

(sorry, I prob dont know what I'm talking about!)

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sounds like your husband's mate might be looking to get rid of a potential problem... do you really want a cockerel? can you and the neighbours stand it? I'd say no to the boy, and hang on for a bit to find another girl somewhere!

(sorry, I prob dont know what I'm talking about!)


I couldn't agree more. I bet he's delighted to have some lovely people to take on and care for his lovely boy.

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Thanks for your sound advice. :D I've already called my husband to say no to the chick. We're going to stick with our hybrids and possible add another one this weekend. We're going to have a look. Then in the future get another hutch dedicated to bantams. :lol:

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