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New Orpingtons

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This is all great advice and well appreciated. I will let you know how things go. The girls seem really very chirpy at the moment - active around the run, but nipping back into their box if they get worried. They seem to be eating well and growing already - but perhaps I'm imagining it.


One of my wife's friends, who is in her early 30's with a small daughter, came round for a cup of tea and watched us fussing round the chickens. Her comment .....


You two sooo need a grandchild! :oops:


I told my son and his new girlfriend and he was not amused! :wink:

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Back from a couple of days away at work. My OH has been looking after the girls. They seem to be doing really well - very active, eating as though it is going out of fashion and getting more confident. They don't have many feathers down their fronts which makes them look a bit raggetty! I've put some pictures in my album.



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Some of the photos have gone I'm afraid - I've been cleaning out my Flickr site and didn't realise that if the photos went from there, they would go from here (if you see what I mean). Stupid me.


Anyway, Suzie has been poorly - I think she's had a cold - but she's getting a lot better. They are now around 9 weeks old.



They spend a lot of time stretching and preening and are beginning to get really nice feathers.


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Aww, I love that gawky teenage stage Richard.


We're hoping to come to Norfolk in the summer hols - I'll keep you posted.


Yes, definately teenagers - gawky and stroppy. Preening themselves and bigging themselves up, but running away if you even look at them the wrong way.


Mind you it was touching when Suzie was feeling poorly as Trinny kept sitting down beside her and giving her a sort of little cuddle (I'm sure it wasn't really as touching as it looked - but it did look friendly).


Do let me know if you come up - the Cube is due soon and then I can get the rest of the chickens that I've said I'll have (and can't wait for)!

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