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New Orpingtons

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I couldn't wait for the new cube and went to collect my new Orpingtons this afternoon; Georgie is lonely now Doris has gone (well, if she isn't she should be) and the Eglu seems very empty. They are only 7 weeks old but they are lovely. They seem pretty feisty - well, one is. I've put them in the old Eglu run, inside the main run so that Georgie can get used to them without actually being with them.









The breeder assured me that they have been out with other birds and will be fine with Georgie - but I'm going to stay up all night to make sure!

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I'm just hoping that Georgie thinks they are fab too! :pray: I've been nipping out every 15 minutes to see if they are OK. I'm planning on putting them into the Eglu with her this evening when she's gone to bed. Then I will get up at around 4 tomorrow morning just to keep an eye on them when they get up. :anxious:


Luckily I'm 'working from home' tomorrow! :wink:

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They are big Orpingtons, not bantams.


Last night was not encouraging! I waited until Georgina was sleepy in the Eglu and introduced them. Ructions! Georgie was very nasty and the splash girls were well and truly pecked. In the end I gave up and moved them into my old dog transit box in the workshop for the night. Time for plan B!


Today I will fix up the box and the Eglu run inside the big run so that they can get a bit older before I reintroduce them to Georgie again. Hopefully with time together in the run, but separated, they will be more used to each other by the time they have to sort out the pecking order.


I'm going to split the big run as well. That way, when the cube comes at the end of July, I can ring the changes and keep chickens/hens separate until they can sort themselves out with the minimum fuss. I know they've got to do it, and I have to accept it, but at the moment they seem so small ... :?


Hopefully, by the time I've got a few more hens, I'll be more used to the process and a bit more experienced!

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Well, I moved them into hastily put together temporary accomodation so that they can get a bit bigger and more confident before I have another go introducing them to Georgina. I am well pleased that it all hung together last night as we had dreadful storms, rain and wind (I did put an extra cover over it, held down with tent pegs, which isn't in the pictures). This morning the girls were out and about and very lively so I was very happy.


Mind you, we had nothing compared to Sheffied and north Lincolnshire as I understand - anyone from up there with problems?


The Orpingtons have been named Trinny and Susannah as there is one, darker, thinner one who stands up tall, and one, lighter, somewhat shorter one with, how do I put it, a slightly fuller figure?


Temporary accomodation shown below (roll on arrival of the cube - only 4 weeks now).



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Thanks Buffy, that's useful to hear. It's the decision I had come to - they are so small and nervy that I reckoned another month before I try again. I am going to partition the big run so that they can run loose next door to Georgie before I put them together again.


Its all good practice for me as I'm intending to get another 6 before the end of August - so if I get them all well integrated by the end I'll be an eggspert!


thanks again

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I'd back what Buffie says about them being too young to mix with adult birds. They need to be 5-6 months old before they have the confidence to stand up for themselves, so it's great that you've rigged up some temporary accommodation for them. They are lovely - and well worth all the effort I'm sure!

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They are lovely little girls Richard, I just love that gawky stage :D

As Buff and Jools have said, make sure that the others can freerange around their run, feed treats along the mesh so that they associate treats with each other's company and that will help to minimise the trouble when you integrate them.


I am so jealous, I love orps. Now we will definitely have to take up your offer of a visit when we're next up in Norfolk.

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My introductions have all been very gradual and it seems to be working so far (usually just a quick feather pull to make a point :roll: ). The 17 week olds have been sleeping with the big girls for 3 weeks now, although had been out in the garden with them from 12 weeks. I have just started letting the 13 week olds out with the big girls and they know to keep their distance, although the 2 Buff Orps are bigger than them but very docile. The Orpingtons are so big at 13 weeks I can't imagine them growing any more. I'm only keeping 1 though, the other is going next week :( .

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