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Chortle Chook

Thinking of getting My First little Ducks

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I have 6 bantam chickens and a Silkie cockerel in a 20m by 10m garden which acts as their WIR. My OH saw some Call ducks at the weekend and has taken a fancy to idea of adding a couple to our menagerie, but our garden doesn't have grass - just flower borders for shrubs, terracotta path ways and some areas of gravel and others of slate chippings. The ducks could have their own house and a small pond, but would the gravel / slate arrangement hurt the webbing on their feet?


Also can they eat out of a Grub / Glug arrangement of should they have a dog dish and special duck food?


and last question - if they need special duck food would it matter if the chickens sometimes ate it?


Sorry for being a newbie on this but I don't want him to rush out and get ducks only to find that they have to be returned the next day :wink:

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I'm not sure about the gravel, I guess that would be ok byt maybe not slate chippings


I have two sets of call ducks, both have grass in their run that they have completely ignored. A surface that could be hosed down is just about perfect but if your gravel is well drained it could be ok


They make soooooooooo much more mess than chooks though


They shovel food and I'd imagine they'd struggle with a Grub - a dog bowl undercover is ideal. My lot eat layers pellets


The glug would be ok


They need a bath of some sort even if very small, I use tub trugs

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Discussions have been carrying on today and I'm warming to the idea of two little (duck)(white duck). I've agreed to shovel off the slate (which can go in the front garden where the car is), and to replace it with pea shingle (but not grass as the chooks would just get rid of that). I think it'll be alright as the soil underneath is increibly free draining. We've even got a Flyte so Fancy 'dinky duck house' which was supposed to be going to be for my cockerel but just seems to have arrived at the right time :D


What makes ducks so messy - is it that they poo more than chooks or that their poo is always loose?


Also will they eat greens like cabbage etc. the way chickens do?


And one last one . . . are female call ducks a bit less noisy than drakes?

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I have 3 ducks 1 is a drake. The 2 girls have laid an egg each not missing a day since March. Mine eat layers from a grub and they have a childs sand pit as a pond and a baby bath. I change the water every other day but it's muddy 5 mins after I change it. :lol: They have an eglu go with run extention with the baby bath in it. They have a large area to fr all day. Tonto laid her eggs in the go run and I have to use a stick to knock it to the door. It ends up filthy. :lol: Soft greens like spinich and lettace. They are messy, they make muddy puddles. But are cute. :wink: I am writing from my phone, sorry for mistakes.

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Many thanks, Redwing and Chicken shack. I'm getting very excited now. :dance::dance: and am finding it hard to concentrate on my work :oops:


Oh is busily painting the Flyte so Fancy Dinky Duck house (that was to have been for our cockerel) in various shades of blue and we have located an area for a child's paddling pool that is near a drain so that it would be easier to empty and keep as clean as possible.


We are not all that fussed about eggs so would it be OK to get 2 little drake Call ducks or do we need to have a female?


Also can one sex them when they are young or are they like chickens and only show whether they are boys or girls when they are almost grown up?

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Don't get 2 drakes as they may not get on. One drake is enough to keep him and 2 or more girls happy. The reason I have a drake is because a freind had too many and the girls were getting jumped on too often. :lol: You will need to keep them in a fox proof run at night which is why I have the !gogreen! with run extention and the roosting bars removed. I use meal worms to get them in at night as they will sleep anywhere they fancy. :lol: I did lock them into the nesting area at first but I think they prefer to sleep out in the run. Daisy always lays her egg in there but Tonto :shameonu: lays them more often than not in the run. :roll: Charlie Drake is content with his two girls. The wild ducks and swans visit them and they used to make one hell of a noise but now it has become normal to them.

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