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Thanks for all the nice comments about my piccies :D


Chunkin - you'd need a big album to show all your pets! :wink:


Clare T - Hebe's not so much a savage as a dirty stop-out who loves nothing better than to get into a s"Ooops, word censored!"e! Even when she's been housebound these past two weeks with the bandage she has managed to have an "episode" (we think with a newt) which resulted in her running round the house like a complete loon and salivating profusely like a rabid dog :shock::shock: Still we love her to bits and wouldn't swap her for the world :roll::roll:

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:lol::lol: My Millie always looks like butter wouldn't melt, but in her heyday she was a real hunter, and I would regularly come home to find the kitchen floor looking like the chainsaw massacre! She also used to bring in newts - much to Rosie's delight; she called them dinosaurs ('Mummy, Millie's got a dinosaur in the kitchen!' She is 10 now and has partially retired from hunting. But the younger cat has now taken up, and I found the source of the nasty smell in Rosie's room was a dead mouse under her bed!
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Eeeuuw! Poor Rosie! Both our cats love micing but they tend to play with their "finds" outside - they do bring them in sometimes but only when they're still alive :roll: Have you're chickens discovered an abandoned cat-killed mouse yet? Mine did! Edna picked it up and ran round the garden with Mavis chasing after her ! :shock::roll:

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The girls haven't started that one yet, mainly because the cats bring their meals in to mummy :shock: (thanks for that cats), but I can see that they might do it afetr seeing the way that they attack big bugs and maggots.


Rosie loves the newts - they don't get harmed at all, I scoop them up in some water and take them back next door before they dehydrate. Occassionally I miss one and then find it months later, mummified under some furniture. We've had some impromptu biology lessons at home with all the animals - some are still alive and weel, so get released away from the house. I think that Rosie is quite good now at identifying body parts and I have had to put a couple of poor s"Ooops, word censored!"s out of their misery! :(

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Mine do that too Clare and I am very good at 'mousing' myself to catch them when they get released in the house :shock:


I had an awful smell in the hallway once and it took me several days to discover the dead mouse tucked indside my hiking boots that was the source I had scrubbed the carpet thinking one had peed and emptied and bleached the kitchen bin etc :lol:



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:wink: Know what you mean - it's one of those smells, no matter how many times you smell it - it is quite subtle at first and could be any nasty smell. It's not until it develops that you realise what it is :(


I was downstairs one morning at 5am in my dressing gown, moving furniture to catch a mouse that the cat had lost interest in! The things we do for our animals :roll:

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Oh yes I have been there before at a similar hour Clare :lol:


A friend of mine got seen by the local hunt one morning releasing a rodent her cat had brought in. She nipped across to the village green just as the hunt came through with the dogs and there she was in her dressing gown :lol::lol::lol:

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Glad we're not the only ones with embarrassing pets!


Our Spikey was really naughty when we first rescued him. One day he managed to get out the front door when my daughter was at home (in her pyjamas), he ran across the road and into the house opposite where the teenage daughter was leaving to go to her school prom. He tore around their house and then jumped in the limousine before being pulled out by my daughter (in her pyjamas :oops::oops: ). Just to make it worse the event was being videoed by the proud father!


I had to go over the next day and apologise - they were evr so nice about it. They have moved since though!

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Never thought of that Clare - I should have asked for the film and sent it off to one of those home video shows Jake likes watching. Was far, far too mortified at the time at being the owner of the naughtiest dog in the world. Don't think the daughter would have been too pleased at being upstaged by a little black mad thing either. I'll pop a picture of him in the gallery if I can.


Looking forward to meeting you on Saturday and LOVE the pants thread. Who else could be persuaded to pose for us do you think? I'm sure there've been some other new men on the forum lately... :wink:

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