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beach chick

Permanent home, permanent floor?

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Glad I'm not the only one - I was reading about forumeers replacing the hemcore every 4 or 6 weeks and wondering why I had to do it weekly :(


I try to poo pick evey day to keep the smell down and to stop the hemcore turning into a filthy mess. I tried a very deep layer, medium, then thinner layer but with the same result.


Do we have particularly filthy chickens? :shock:


I think that we must have! :lol:

Or we are just way too fussy :?

All I know is that there is no way that I could change the Hemcore every 4-6 weeks. Even fortnightly is not enough so maybe I will have to do it weekly too.

What the heck are we doing wrong then? I now only use a very thin layer because I have to change it so often. :?


I must say though that I am really happy that it is not just me!! I was starting to wonder :?:D

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Stinky solidarity!


I have nagged my OH into building me a walk-in run for my new Eglu, so at least if I have to clean it out evey week my back can cope :wink:


I am now using quite a thin layer of hemcore too - I put loads in to start with, and they scratched down to the paving anyway :roll:


I have tried sand too, but the results are similar and it gets EVERYWHERE!


I am going to compromise: Not poo pick every day if I am going to clean the run out every week. We'll see how it goes. I'm also going to try Nedz Bedz instead of Hemcore as I can buy that easily in a few places rather than special-ordering it from one :)




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