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Pecking order or bullying?

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We got our chickens 4 days ago and poor Spice is having a hard time, the others gang up on her and peck her in the face and tail for no reason. Spice is excluded from the group. When we give them treats she is reluctent to come over and if she does then she will get pecked. We try and give her treats out of our hands when the others are stuffing their faces but when the other see they barge their way through to get her food.

Just before i went out with some corn and throw it all around the run to try and spead it out. Everyone appart from spice went to the same spot but Spice went to the logs to have some. When the others seen her they cornerd her and pecked her it resulted to spice sitting at the top of the cube to get away from the others.

Spice has very docile nature and the place we got her from recomended we get 2 of her to calm the rest down but me being stupid wanted a mixture of birds and now i feel awfull for not taking their advice. :cry:

Iam not sure if Spice is very calm and docile or if she is upset.

I have tryed clapping my hands when the others go for her or making a loud noise but it has no effect.

What do you think we should do? take her back? The only problem is if we do she will only get sold on again and that might make things worse.

Or do we get another brown docile one like spice so she has a friend? but if we do that it might upset the pecking order again :cry:

what do you think any advice would be gratefully recived.


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The brown ones do seem to be the sweetest and most docile in my experience - they do change if you get more and become more aggressive if they are higher up the pecking order. My lowest one is a lovely brown bird and she get pecked in the head frequently to keep her in her place and now has a bit of a bald patch. She's perfectly happy and takes great joy in sneaking treats when the others aren't there to notice. Give it another weeks or so and just make sure you have several food and water stations around. Things will calm down but she will always be kept in her place but they dont seem to mind.

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seeing as you have only had them for 4 days, i would wait and see how it goes, you never know it could turn full circle and find that Spice ends up being the boss, ..... :D


I would give it a while yet, just keep an eye on her and if giving treats make sure she gets her fair share.


Good Luck, trust me, we have all gone through it. xx

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Thankyou for the great advise!

maybe iam being a bit over protective

I just didnt want it to get out of controle.

I think we should invest in a mini water pistol incase it does get a bit to much.

Do you recomend getting a little brown friend for spice? she does seem to be on her own alot.


thankyou again!


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Well looking at your list it looks like you ahve 6 in total, i would leave it and wait, other wise if you get another one, she may fit in straight away and poor spice could still be all alone, ..

I do have a bully in the group , mind you she is cute and when i go over there near the run she pretends that she is all sweet and innocent and butter wouldnt melt in her mouth!!!!! :roll::roll::roll:


I am sure others will be along to offer advice, as compaired to them i am still a bit of a novice, but i would still say play the waiting game and see how it goes, it could take up to a couple of weeks........

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I've had Georgie 3 years - she has been on her own for about 6 months since Doris died. I got two little Orpingtons a few weeks ago - and Georgie just went for them viciously. I've kept them apart ever since.


Yesterday I introduced four new girls to the Orpingtons and have kept a close eye on them (they are all around 10 weeks old). There is a bit of bullying but it doesn't seem to be too bad and I think they are sorting things out. Georgie menaces them through the wire and tries to peck them through the holes in the chicken wire!


My plan is to let the younger girls get to 20 odd weeks and then give it another go with Georgie - but I'm ready to keep her in isolation ad infinitum if it becomes necessary!


I wondered if you might think of having a separate area for Spice - not permenant isolation but so that you could put her in there for treats etc. which would give her a break from the others. Just a thought.

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We do sort of do that, we have some folded up chairs in the run leaning agianst the mesh so when we give the treats out we put some behinde the chairs for spice as a special treat for later. None of the others have clicked on yet, but i always see Spice watching and the clever chook waits atleast an hour before getting her treats so she doesnt give the game away.

Its so cute to see her little excited face when she see's what we've left for her!

I would be a bit worried about seperating her because i dont want her to feel left out of the group and i think the other girls would take advantage of her :cry:

i'll see how it goes, thanks agian for everything!


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4 days into this and we have has similar problems. The 2 gingernut rangers from omlet seem not to be quite mature and the 3 we purchased from garden poultry are further on - they have produced 7 eggs already :D


Consequently the omlet 2 are being pecked every time they come down into the cube run and spend the majority of their day in the cube upper storey. :( They have to run the gauntlet to get supplies. Its difficult to put supplies upstairs. We are going to let them out tomorrow for the first time which should hopefully give them some respite.


One of the hens lays on the roosting bars and never ventures near the nest box. At night the other 4 sleep in the nestbox and she (top of the order) sleeps on the bars!!! :? Any suggestions :?:


Despite providing a dust bath, they have dug a very deep hole in the run. :x Australia should come in to view soon :evil:


All in all we have found it an enjoyable and fascinating experience :D

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For the digging, i have two dustbaths in my run, yet the ground is starting to look like the crater of the moon,... or up hills and down dales as i think the saying goes.....

I gave up with one of the dustbaths and gave it to the babies to try, they didnt want it either prefering the dirt. so last nite i filled it with straw and they all couldnt get in there quick enough andit was a race to see who was the last one in, 7 babies in a little box was quite funny to watch.


but sorry got a bit sidetracked there...... as for Australia, think of all the cheep :D holidays you could get without the airfare........ :D:D sorry again, couldnt resist that one, ...its early..........


Have you got a plant pot that you dont use that maybe u could stick in the hole, but then they may just dig another one, ....


on top of all that i have forgotten what the original question was..... ok, time to go get another cup of tea.... :oops::oops::oops::oops::oops:

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