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Alternative Winter Shade

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Well, we contacted Barbara, as Egluntine suggested, and received a reply within the hour. :D We have also received a reply from Jan at Omlet who has very helpfully offered to resolve this problem for us. :D:D


Many thanks Egluntine! :clap:


You are welcome....but don't thank me.....thank Barbara....she is a star!. :lol:


Am glad it is sorted.

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Just to say I've bought one of these tarpaulins for my cube and it arrived this morning. Very pleased with it. It gives really good cover for those days when there is torrential rain, which I felt the standard cover doesn't do. I bought some of the Mini Holdon clips that they sell which I've managed to hook into the run bars without using string, etc.

It's alot more durable than the Ikea shower curtain I bought, which has already split.


Click below if you want to see pics (password is chicken)




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I found an enormous colourful abandoned umbrella at the weekend. The material came off all in one piece, and I am hoping to do something with it. Because it is circular it looks better on the eglu run than the cube. There is a hole in the middle I have to do something with, and I can only think of clothes pegs to hold it down. But it will look so much more cheerful than the dirty green cover I have on at the moment.


I like the tarpaulins, but as my chickens stay in nearly all the time I feel they are a bit heavy for summer.

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Gallina, I've just the thing for holding it down... I posted about them a while ago, but you can get some green plastic eyelets at Millets (10 per card, £2.99), which punch their own hole as you hammer them on. Then use bungee hooks from a hardware store... Bob's your uncle :wink:


PS couldn't find the eyelets on the Millets site, but here they are, and cheaper too http://www.wilmond.co.uk/acatalog/Eyelets_.html



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Just to say I've bought one of these tarpaulins for my cube and it arrived this morning. Very pleased with it. It gives really good cover for those days when there is torrential rain, which I felt the standard cover doesn't do. I bought some of the Mini Holdon clips that they sell which I've managed to hook into the run bars without using string, etc.

It's alot more durable than the Ikea shower curtain I bought, which has already split.


It looks very hard wearing and practical to me. I am going to order one for my chooks too. Are the eyelets already in place when you buy it?

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Our Eglu's Winter Shade, which we purchased only 18 months ago, is now looking somewhat tatty. It has faded to the point where it no longer matches the Eglu, and it has worn through and ripped in four or five places.


I posted the following under "Life of sunshade" just a few days ago:

'I am disappointed in the lifespan of the sunshade/winter shade. I have had them on during the whole year as I have an extension and I have to protect the food from the rain. After only one year mine have rotted and split to shreds. The large winter shade is £20, so not a good investment.'


Someone mentioned your thread and I note with interest that you've had the same trouble! I have also emailed Omlet but had no reply as yet.

I shall now look at your pictures of a tarpaulin though I have already purchased two shower curtains very cheaply as an emergency measure.

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Sorry not to have replied to your post on the other forum, but we don't have the time to read all the posts, so we normally just read the 'Chickens' forum, unless we have time to spare.


Early signs are that the tarpaulin that we recommended is just about indestructible, and completely waterproof! If you click on each of the photos our Gallery you'll find additional information regarding the supplier, fitting etc.


I suggest that you phone Omlet, and ask to speak to Jan. I found her to be very helpful.



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I saw green tarpaulins for sale at our local Aldi store at the end of last week. As Iwas in a rush, I did not have time to examine one fully. Never the less, I did notice they appeared to be made of plastic-covered fabric material and had eyelets. The price is somewhere between 4 and 5 pounds. Unfortunately, I did not notice the size.


Maybe worth look ?

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Great pics from Nic and Trish and thanks for the link. This looks likely to please my husband - half the price of the eglu shade. Really surprised that they don't seem to be noticing the number of complaints on the forum about this, especially as most of us seem pretty happy with the eglu itself.

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