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Day 22 on bantam sitting on eggs

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Hi there! I have had an egg hatch day 23, I would hang in there especially as your broody is keen. Can you hear any cheeping from inside the eggs?? Are they moving, if you place them on a flat surface? Did you let them settle before sitting your broody on them? They could be a day late. Also did you count the first day as day 0?


Try and sit on your hands and wait till tomorrow.Too much checking could unsettle your hen. I've got this joy next weekend :anxious::anxious:


Best wishes :D Let us know what happens!!! :wink:

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Yes hang on in there did you count the day you put them under the broody as day 0 sounds like there is something in the eggs if they are full if you put one to your ear and listen you can sometimes hear a faint crackling this means they are pipping leanne :)

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if yesterday (Friday) was really D21 and D22 then leave them alone until Monday afternoon if nothing has hatched by then then candle again but the longer they go after D23 then the less chance of hatching I'm afraid

I assume you set them on Friday March 13th?

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Hooray!!!! :clap::clap: Well done that mummy hen :dance::dance: 3 cute fluffies :D Aren't they adoreable?!


I'm on day 15 here :anxious: But I'm a bit worried as my broody isn't eat as much as she was......and she needs to keep up her strength for the last few days!!! Always something to worry over :roll:


Pics would be lovely :wink:

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Hooray!!!! :clap::clap: Well done that mummy hen :dance::dance: 3 cute fluffies :D Aren't they adoreable?!


I'm on day 15 here :anxious: But I'm a bit worried as my broody isn't eat as much as she was......and she needs to keep up her strength for the last few days!!! Always something to worry over :roll:


Pics would be lovely :wink:

if you haven't done so already put her onto chick crumb or what you'll be feeding the chicks when they hatch the extra protein will give her a boost and will go some way to counter the loss in food intake

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Ah how lovely and strangely odd all at the same time :roll::lol::D


Did she take lots of breaks off the nest? Also for the three days up to day 20 I read (and did do/will do again this time) gently drop a few droplets of some blood temp water on to each egg, while broody mum is off the nest for her 20 min eat, drink, poo!!!! This helps the eggs to hatch.......to do with humidity and the eggs being porous. Incubators increase their humidity for this reason.


Another thing to consider at this point is the well being of the hatched chicks. Is mum stuck on the eggs or helping the chicks out and about showing them how to eat etc?? It's a tricky one as these others you think maybe viable??? I had 2 chicks hatch day 23. One of my own eggs, which was a sneaky bonus egg mum laid a day after I set her on the eggs and the other was a bought hatching egg. My chick was late as she was laid later, sadly the other chick died day 2 after hatching, no apparent reason, very sad :( Actually none of the bought hatching eggs made it and only that one hatched.


Others may have more advice for you :anxious: This is only my second time hatching :anxious: but it is a lovely experience :D On day 16 here....it's getting close :D


Next worry......how many of your cuties are boys :roll: Enjoy :dance:

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Yes hen is getting up to feed and drink. 3 more eggs were piping just as I left to come to dentist. Will leave her again this afternoon for them to hopefully hatch and then ill remove the rest as couldn't see any movement. So lovely to see them all scuttling under her to keep warm :)

Hopefully no boys.... But that's just wishful thinking! :)

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Wow that's great :D I'm so happy that it's turning out so well for your hatch :clap: So how many all together? Do you have a plan for any boys? Last hatch I got 4 boys and 3 girls. I managed to re-home all the boys :wink:


What breed have you hatched? Mine are pekin bantams :wink:

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Hi mimi,

Pekin bantams they are. If they are boys I will try and get them rehomed as I couldn't bare anything to happen to them. Will keep a few girls and sell the rest. At least 2 are white with a bit of beige on and 2 are looking like they will be lavender (ish) just had another look and I think the rest have given up the ghost which is sad really but I suppose that's nature!

Let me know how yours get on, I'll post pics as soon as I can :) are you on Facebook? If so, I'll friend you so you can have a look at the chickens I have already.

I also bought a black frizzle chick, chocolate chick and a blue chick from market the other week all pskins too. :)

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Ah lovely another pekin fan :D:D:D Sorry not on facebook.......might join just to see your pekins :lol::lol:


I have no idea what colours I'm in for :think: I have a millefleur cockerel, a black hen (Martha my broody) and Polly who was a cross millefleur and gold partridge. Who knows :lol: be a nice surprise if I get some mixtures :wink:


Oh pictures would be lovely :D I think you have to have a made a certain number of posts before you can upload pictures.....sorry can't remember how many.


If your hen has given up, then the eggs will be duds, I would dispose of them, after checking for any sounds/movement.

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Delighted for you :D8)8)


I on the other had had a very sad mishap this morning. While Martha was having her eat, poo, & drink time I thought I'd get a photo of the eggs for before & then after once they had hatched.......took the photo, then somehow dropped my phone :( it slipped!!! It crushed one of the eggs :(:shock::(:shock: Sadly it was not to be for that little one. I felt sick for ages :(


So back to 8, now on day18.

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Denisenewlands that's bizarre! But brilliant. My friend at work showed me the chicks she 'emptied out' of the incubator this morning! So cute.


Mimi5 what a horrible and terribly unlucky thing to happen. I can imagine you mustve felt awful. But we all have accidents from time to time, and I bet you'll never do it again!


Chin up x

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Amazing experience, but I've already been warned by the husband that I'm not allowed to keep any of them... Boo :( so will need to look to rehome them when they have matured a bit.

Mimi, that's sad :( try not to punish yourself too much, accidents happen.

Oh, I also need to mention, chick 1 of 2 from my silver partridge was born whilst I was out today, this one arrived on which would be day 20 MASSIVE difference from Stacey's chicks.

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