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I'm Growing Baby Ducks!

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The chicks are now 4 weeks old and I had packed the incy away, not to be used again 'till February/March...but then I was on ebay...... :oops: .

Anyway I got 6 Khaki Campbell eggs :roll: . I candled them on day 3 and could see that at least 4 were starting, then last night, on day 5 found 5 out of 6 to be fertile - in one the 'spider' was so clear that I could see the tiny heart beating away really fast - amazing 8) .

Its bad enough waiting 21 days for chicks, but 28 :(

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I miss our ducklings being so little! They only lasted a week at that size tehn they doubled!! They hatched on August 9th and now, the remaining one is bigger than mum!!


The other one bobbed to the top of the pond teh other day with a broken neck!!! SUCH a shame! We reckon she wa playing a bit TOO hard and whacked her head on the side/bottom and that was it! *sob*

She was soooooooooo pretty too - really dark, black wtih a proper green sheen to her.... looked like petrol.

the one that is left is looking to be a mallard runner.... ah well. pretty cute too - got this feather hanging off the side of her head! Looks like she should be in Adam and the Ants or something! and she's got a little tuft at the back of her head! How cute!!




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I'm getting excited now - the eggs come off cradle tomorrow night and are due to hatch Saturday :D - the extra weeks incubation seems so long compared to chicks!

Caroline, what a shame about your duckling - you hear a lot of stories of ducks being injured, I think they must be a bit clumsy.

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What a shame Caroline :(


We've just bought three black Indian Runners - the one we know is a girl has a hip problem and she limps a bit, but we're hoping she will be OK.


Fee - 28 days does seem such a long time doesn't it? - I can't wait to see your latest hatchlings 8)

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28 days does seem like an age - particularly as it passes so quickly normally!!


We got such a surprise when ours finally did arrive though - especially as one fell out of the nest and a neighbour found it wandering about the lane!!


Hope your duck gets less limpy Lesley

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Well, just opened the incy to add more water and do a final candling.....and was overwhelmed with a strong smell of fish :vom: - I had candled a couple of days ago and thought one of the eggs was a 'gonner' but left it in as I knew I'd be doing it again tonight. So its now in the bin :( .

Of the 4 that are left, 3 were jumping around good style and I could see their little beaks poking around in the air space already :D . I think the 4th one is dead too - no smell, but a much smaller air sac and no movement. I left it in but i think I'll check it again tomorrow and make a decision.

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'they' reckon about 50% hatching on duck eggs so you're not doing badly!

shame tho :(


won't be long til you get those little tiny quackers running about!!

Make sure you handle them as much as poss to help them get used to you. They will look like they're trying to get away but that's only natural. Ours settled as soon as you picked them up.


.... we kind of stopped handling them after a few weeks cuz the mother was getting so stressed (and vicious!!!) and I regret that now as the one that's left won't come near :(

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OMG :shock: - just checked the eggs and one has pipped - just going into day 27! Was expecting a sleepless night tomorrow night but not tonight. Duck eggs can take a lot longer from pip to hatch than chicks so I'll need to get a sleep tonight in case I'm up tomorrow too.

I know, ducks have been hatching for hundreds of years without someone having to watch them....... :roll: (but I just can't help myself :lol: ).

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I fell asleep on the couch until 4am then went to bed - its no further forward this morning but 'shoogling 'around :lol: .

It's difficult to get good pics Egluntine, the flash reflects off the plastic - I tried before with the chicks, but I'll try again and see.

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One little duckling out this morning :D . It had only pipped a little more in 24 hours so I went to bed about 3am - got up at 9am and he was just out! Very cute and chirping away - although its a different chirp to a chick, like its whistling :lol: . One other egg is pipped and rocking :D

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oh how exciting!!!! aww


the duckling that we have left is changing it's spots.... or rahter it's feathers..... it's darn head is turning green! thta can only mean one thing............I need more girls!!


Anyone know of Indian Runner breeders in Bucks, herts, Oxon, mddx type areas? I know I can look on practical poultry but it's not really been helpful in the past.

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