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More Chickens on my Street

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Just been on on my street and I could hear a Chicken or two clucking, not mine as they sounded different.

Had a nosey about trying to see in my neighbours gardens :oops: and found that my neighbour directly opposite has a wooden coop and two Chickens. :D

Of course I had to find out more :wink: so I went and knocked on the door. She has only had them a couple of days. A friend turned up with them as a present after she had said she would like some.

I have invited her round to see my girls and the Eglu.

May have a Chicken sitter in the making. :wink: and somemone to share my Flubenvet mountain with. :lol:

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Chicken owning neighbour paid my girls a visit yesterday. I happily showed off my Eglu, taking it apart and showing her how easily it is maintained.

We spent some time chating about Chickens and she went away with an arm full of Practical Poultry mags and various poultry websites. I felt quite an expert. :lol:

She thought the Eglu was very good and had seen them in mags before her friend surprised her with the coop and Chickens. (I wish I had friends like that).

Neighbour works at a Vets and when she received her Chickens she asked the Vet if he knew anything about them. He replied "well I know they taste good". He was eating a Cornation Chicken sandwich at the time. :roll:

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i think the people across the way from us know someone has chooks but is not sure who. henno had a bit of a strop the other day and started to crow quite loud. the curtains flew back in the window across the road and a chap was peering all over trying to see were the racket was coming from.

if he had scratched his head anymore he would have got a splinter in his finger!


heehee :lol::lol::lol:

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Our neighbour looked at us as if we had gone mad when we said we were looking forward to eggs. She thought you need a cockerel to get eggs! :shock: She has numerous fish, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits and a dog, so is not a 'no-animal' person. Couldn't wait to get in the house to shriek with laughter!

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There are a couple of other hens and a cockrel in our village and my friend in a nearby village has recently taken on about 20 ex-battery hens from Jane Howarth so whenever we get together we have a good old hen natter :D My local breeder has a shop and they sell Flubenvet already broken down into single treatment course sizes :D

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I've had a similar chickens not needing cockerels for eggs conversation with one of my Doctors at work- who has a chicken keeping next door neighbour and he got all agitated when he saw the (wooden) coop and chickens arrive :shock: . He came belting into work to ask my advice as the resident expert on all things chicken related :roll:

Oddly in my neighbourhood there are several families keeping chickens now, not necessarily people that I know terribly well, more people who used to share the primary school run, but it's quite interesting to hear that this childs parents now keep bantams, and another childs parents have got 4 speckeldy's, and so on. I think that altogether I know of about 6 families who keep chickens in the surrounding area (and I'm about to pop round to the speckeldy family on the pretext of delivering a Christmas card- really I want a look at their birds :wink: )

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Red, do you know how much she charges for the flubenvent. I went to a vet at a nearby town and asked to buy some.


After going through the 3rd degree almost, I was told that I HAD to register the 3 chickens, and they would phone me when they have worked out how much I need as they usually sell it as x amount per tonne. (for the poultry farmers around these parts). She said that I would probably need 250grams and that it would cost £2. Yippe, I thought, something cheap for a change for the chooks.


2 weeks later I got a phone call to say that the vet would have to visit them before prescribing it, even though they do not have worms and are perfectly healthy. How much I asked. £30 call out. She said that I could take them in, and that would be £10 (+VAT I should imagine). I asked if I had to take all three, and she said, 'Well I suppose one will do' If she wasn't being so serious I would have LOL. So in order to buy £2 of flubenvent for healthy chooks who do not have worms, it will cost me fees and petrol and a 16 mile journey, stress to the chicken just for the vet to say - 'Err, yes that is a chicken. Heres the stuff, give me your money' :lol::lol:


It was the owner of the practice that said that he would lose his licence if he did not examine the chickens and just prescribed the flubenvent.


I did mention that I thought it was available on the internet, and she said that I could also ask a pharmacist in a chemist to order some for me!


I might just sidle up to a poultry farmer and flutter my eyelashes and ask for their expertise - or I might not!

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That's outrageous! I got some from our vet in a smallish tub, I can't remember now how much I paid for it, but I ended up selling half the tub on the forum as I won't ever use that much. If you're stuck, I can try to get more from the vet for you.


I found that the best way to does it (as rec by the vet) was to mix a speck with some water and then syringe 0.3ml into them - it's not hard, but best with 2 people - 1 to hold the chook and the other to open their beak and trickle it in. Once you have a system it's a doddle.

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