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Patricia W

Avian Flu order across GB from 14th December

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Well, I have a sense of deja vu.  The last long AI order to keep all poultry under cover was, from memory 12th December. That was in 2016.  In the wonderful year of 2020, the order is across GB to keep all poultry under cover from 14th December.

Nor sure how to put the link up, but check the DEFRA Avian Influenza website 

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I'm a newbie to chicken keeping. I have three girls and an Eglu Go Up with a 3m run. It's all covered with tarpaulin and I'm using the DEFRA approved disinfectants.

I do let the girls into the garden when I'm at home (although they spend the majority of the time on the back door step!) but I'm concerned how long they'll have to stop in the run from the 14th and if it's going to be sufficient for them, as I have little room to expand it further.

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