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Fruit and plenty of water!


Not a problem for me as I don't drink alcohol, but I do have to remember to keep drinking water as I forget when things get hectic :roll: .


I make a big fruit platter on Christmas Day and have fruit for breakfast. If the fruit is there, I find people will pick at it all day 8)

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I am DETERMINED to be the perfect daughter in law this year. I will listen to her moans and groans about her aches and pains and how short of breath she is. I will not say (outloud) well, most of it is in your head. There are loads of people worse off than you, and if you smoke what do you expect? :twisted:

No, I am going to be good

I am going to be good

I am going to be good

I am going to be drunk :wink:

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Give her the facts about smoking and shortness of breath Mel. I spend a lot of time working with people with COPD ie emphysema & a few other mainly self-inflicted (by smoking :twisted: ) diseases. A few smokers can smoke 40 a day all their lives and get away with it-lucky them, but they are the minority. I wouldn't wish Emphysema on my worst enemy. nor on someone who plucks and roasts live chickens :twisted::twisted::twisted: . It's a living hell, and torture on family and NHS resources, yet still they smoke :shock: . If you STOP when breathless symptoms kick in you stay the same, not better, not worse, keep smoking and you go downhill, slowly, but steadily until you end up on oxygen and entirely dependent on others. If you're lucky you get lung cancer, also part of the COPD spectrum- at least that one kills you rather than drowning in your own secretions with baggy, ineffective lungs for years as happens with emphysema. (My Dad died of lung cancer- but it really is the easy option in the range of smoking related respiratory diseases). Sorry, that all sounds harsh, but it is true. Some smokers WILL escape, undeniably, but if you get an onset of symptoms you are NOT one of the lucky ones- time to stop :shock::shock::shock:

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Sorry, was that a bit heavy, booze talking- lunchtime drinking and I'm definitely the worse for wear. That said I only posted facts I promise, and I've nursed too many people with emphysema (and my darling Dad with lung cancer- amongst others), to take smoking and respiratory symptoms lightly.

Time to lighten the mood. I think I can remember a terrible joke from lunch- off to find the jokes thread :wink:

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I hate smoking... :twisted: Stopped this feb. Always knew I had to stop and age 40 was my no go area. Stopped a year early and feel great. No cough and no stink!! :evil::D Used my techniques I use with clients.


Saved money and enjoy the taste of things so much more, people are surprised I smoked (they say don't look like a smoker :? ) well now I don't and just in time to stop the obvious signs of premature ageing. :D


No smoking in our house!!!



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Dont even get me started. Paul's dad died from emphasyma in January this year. :( She just has no will power, Paul and I have given up trying to argue with her and there is always some excuse that she cant give up (too stressed, all her friends smoke, blah blah blah). I have to say one thing I hate is that our woggles smell all smoky when they have been with her :evil:

Perhaps I will just print your booze laden post (sounded fine to me :wink: ) and leave it somwhere for her to read.

D-day and counting - she should be here in about 11 hours..............

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Sounded fine Kate, Mel the big problem is that people really do try to forget the health issues and think smoking helps with stress. I would turn the TV over when the ads came on. When the time came I believed I would stop, it would be hard but I planned it and accepted I needed to fill the time with other things. You actually get flashbacks! :shock: Also tell yourself over a period of months how much you hate it, smell, taste, skin ageing whatever.


I have friends who say it's not the right time and they like it. No it's an addiction. Nothing you can do but the smell on everything is disgusting, you don't notice when you smoke. The NHS service is good to motivate but your MIL pro bably feels that she has nothing to lose having lost her husband.


It's frustrating but she will just dig her heels in, my parents friend smokes and is in so much pain at times he can't move but hey he still finds a way to smike. Sad really :(




Promise to lighten up! :D

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