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With my cube arriving at the start of winter, Im just a little concerned with my chooks having enough shelter from the elements. Looking at the Omlet shop they have winter shades for the smaller eglu but nothing except the basic shade for the cube. My Garden has no undercover areas, so Im just concerned that in poor weather like if its quite blustery they wont have any chlter from it.


Any suggestions, perhaps a shower curtain covering more of the run?

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Yes, i would definately recommend a shower curtain, as this really does give the extra shelter they need. I have an eglu with the winter shade at the run door end and a summer shade at the eglu end. (I have the run+ extension). they always huddle up under the winter shade when its wet/cold.


Try and get a clear platic shower curtain as this lets more light in. Hope you enjoy your new girls! :D


Here is a link to Claret's run cover so you get the idea, sorry couldn't find one with a cube!



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Excellent, I will get some clear tarp this weekend when I get all the other bits in preperation. Just a quick qeestion thought how do you secure them? Im guessing if I cut holes and use something like cable ties, those holes will just rip and it will come apart IYSWIM

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Plastic shower curtain from Ikea - 99p. Fastened to the run bars with black metal spring clips er, ahem, 'borrowed' from the stationery cupboard at work. (I'm going to return them when I give up keeping chickens, honest :wink: )


Just the right size to cover the Eglu run, maybe you'd need two for a cube, but it couldn't be easier or cheaper.

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