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Wooden houses.....

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Thanks Christian,


We have another pre-chicken compost heap that has had all the usual grass, vegetable , garden stuff put on it. That has just been emptied as it was nicely rotted down. As I am going to get far more pooey hemcore than anything else, can I have a compost bin with just that in? How long will it take to rot down? The bag says it is highly compostable.


Just a quick update, gave the compost a bit of a turn this morning and it is steaming away nicely. At the moment there is only hemcore, poo and a sprinkling of water to dampen it down in there. Here's to a very fertile garden next year! :)

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I love my eglu and from a practical point of view, with me being away, it is the only option IMHO.


I love the look of these though!!!




Oooooh so do I!!!!! Where are they from??

I'm at home most of the time (due to not being well) so I could clean the house anytime.


also I forgot the say the house could be for bantams (still debating) if this helps




These houses come from the hen house company in Eye, Suffolk. They also do lots of other funky houses.



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Hi there,


I have a 10' x 8' shed that my hubby erected and adapeted for my 7 hens and 1 mister. He also built a huge run, then this summer extended the run. I now have 4 chicks to go in with them soon (1 light sussex young man 12 wk old free to a good home if you know anyone wanting him).


I love my wooden chook hut, I find it easy to clean and have space for a few more next year if Dora decides to go broody again!


Take care, Dyan

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