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Squirrels are just a more socially acceptable version of rats, aren't they? :evil: I can't stand them myself, just because as soon as one ventures into the garden the chooks stand to attention, bok-boking and generally alerting the neighbours to their presence, then the dog flings himself against the back door! :roll:


I'd cover the run but I'm not sure what would be appropriate for the job.

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Squirrels are just a more socially acceptable version of rats, aren't they? :evil: I can't stand them myself, just because as soon as one ventures into the garden the chooks stand to attention, bok-boking and generally alerting the neighbours to their presence, then the dog flings himself against the back door! :roll:


I'd cover the run but I'm not sure what would be appropriate for the job.


thanks for the advice

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Squirrels (grey (Sciurus carolinensis)) are definitley not the cuddly critters that some would have you believe. That said they make good eating if there are any omnivores out there who fancy a change!


Be warned THEY EAT EGGS (and young nestlings)!!..... and they are ingenious. Bad combination if you have lots of them and chooks.


If you're out and about and see a song birds egg thats had its lid removed (like you might do with a boiled egg) its our man in his grey coat. There are around 5million grey squirrels in the UK and the population is balooning. The poor old red ( strangely - Sciurus vulgaris). is not long for these isles!


Sad but true.



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