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Good news,bad news

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I was reading the paper this morning & found a huge ad for Tesco,offering the new Harry Potter movie for £8 if you spend £30 in store.

As I love Harry Potter & never seem to come out of Tesco without spending £80,I thought fab - I will buy it & we can watch it tonight while The Hubby is out being Masonic.


So, bought it,got home & they hadn't taken the discount off :roll:


So I phoned their customer services number & not only will I get my £6 refunded, but I will get double that as it was their mistake :dance::dance:


But, we went to put it on & the stoopid cashier forgot to take the security tag off, & there is NO getting into the box, AT ALL :roll:


Hence I am here on the forum rather than in front of a good movie with a glass of red :roll:

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Oh dear...it's not quite as bad as Tesco incompetencies go though! My sister's friend's friend was doing shopping for a client and he was told to buy a lot of champagne, (About half a dozen bottles) and he was served by this really useless lady, who couldn't remove the security tags and spend ages banging and bashing around with it. Before that she'd scanned all the other shopping items and he ended up not being charged for any of the champagne!

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Tesco do have a good refund policy, we bought some photo paper buy one get one free each pack was £16 and when we got through the till we realised that we had been charged for both so went to customer services and they said because it was their mistake we would get the whole 32 refunded. Free photo paper :D

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