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Got my ex batts

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Congratulations on the new hens Shirl, I hope they're settling in well....... and that they'll be very "nappy" in their new home :roll::oops::oops: .


I was there yesterday, must have seen you, but of course have no idea who you were :oops: . Did we manage to foist any extra hens on you? We had homes for 300, so agreed to take that number from the farmer, then the bird flu restrictions hit (hence us having to spray everyone's car wheels and asking all collectors to paddle in washing up bowls of disinfectant :shock: ) and no-one from Suffolk was allowed to collect hens. So we had 58 hens without homes, and all the fabulous adopters came up trumps and all 58 were rehomed :D:D

Hubby was greatly relieved, I had my eye on one gorgeous girl with a really punky comb/ hairdo..........she ever so nearly ended up coming home with me :roll::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Helen that was you with that little sick hen, that was probably more starved than ill, wasn't it. That chicken was cuddled most of the afternoon, Tina had her keeping warm inside her coat for a good while :D:D:D .

That little girl will have a great life now, Jean was going to keep her and nurse her back to health :D

Shirl, thanks for posting those pics of your beautiful girls, don't forget to keep us updated with their progress because they will recover and flourish with good food, space and loads of TLC. So rewarding, you're doing a brilliant thing giving them a happy home 8) .

I think I remember you too, but I don't know if I've got a pic of me anywhere, I'll have a look, but I didn't take any on Saturday :( .

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Aww. No need to be :oops: Meant we could tell you would give them a great home! :D


The gorgeous girl in my arms was one of two Jean (the Essex bhwt co-ordinator) kept back cos they were poorly. The one in my arms was as light as a feather and needed to be fed up - she actually dozed off for a bit in my brothers arms later! Awwww!

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Ahhh - Crossed posts Kate. I think you were there when Shirl came to pick her hens - the only photo i have of you is of your back Kate - (shes on the far left Shirl!)




And heres the other poor little one Jean kept back - you can see why...




(Kate - there are a few more rescue pics on my facebook!)

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