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Got my ex batts

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Well I picked up 3 ex batts today. One is quite small and thus quite oven ready bless. I got quite emotional when I saw her :oops: We didn't get home until almost dark so I didn't have time for pics but will get some tomorrow. I popped inside to take my LO in and went back out and one had laid me an egg! How about that for a Thank You. :D


We can't decide on names so any suggestions would be great.

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supercalifragalistic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D


can't wait to see 'em and well done you!!!!!!!


as for names, take your inspiration from a hobby or something you love, favourate bands, favourate songs etc


you can see i took my inspiration from my hobby ;) I almost used Beatles songs for inspiration, being a Liverpool Lass but the poetry won in the end :D

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Good for you Shirl - well done! :D


You will be a great chicken mummy. Take care to keep the little one warm if she is featherless as the battery farms are quite hot esp compared with the outside temperatures we are getting now.


Feed them up on lots of layers porridge with poultry spice, grit and whatever other goodies you can find to chuck in there - they will love it! :D


Cant wait to see the photos! :D

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Shirl wrote:


Life before children I had hobbies now its dirty nappies :lol:


There you go, perfect for chicken names. Pampers, Huggies ummmmm sorry

forgotten other nappy names, but you get my drift :oops::)




:lol: Great minds - I could think of Pampers and Huggies but got stuck on the 3rd one! 8) Maybe Terry? :oops:

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Shirl wrote:


Life before children I had hobbies now its dirty nappies :lol:


There you go, perfect for chicken names. Pampers, Huggies ummmmm sorry

forgotten other nappy names, but you get my drift :oops::)





Nooo we're cloth bottomed in this house. But Motherase, Tots Bots and Easy Peasy aren't great names :lol:

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Just beware of letting your children choose the names then - or you end up with names from the Fimbles or Teletubbies! :lol: (although actually some of those are quite good for chook names! :roll: )



How do you think we got the names for the other chooks? Iggle Piggle, Upsey Daisy and Macca Pacca are a bit of a mouthful so I said no this time!

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Bambino as in Meo ? No thanks poor conatainment and very cheap :lol: We've gone altogether better quality and have gone for Bimble, Bumble and Bamboozle.


I've taken some pics just trying to upload them. Not easy when 2 teenagers are online gaming at the same time. :roll:

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Bambino as in Meo ? No thanks poor conatainment and very cheap


I couldn't think of another nappy other than the ones you and I had come up with! Are you naming your chooks the nappy names - cool!!


I loved the bumbles - very cute. My boys were out of nappies at 2 so I've got a load in the loft taking up space but no one seems to want second hand cloth nappies at the moment and they cost too much to give away!



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Bambino as in Meo ? No thanks poor conatainment and very cheap


I couldn't think of another nappy other than the ones you and I had come up with! Are you naming your chooks the nappy names - cool!!


I loved the bumbles - very cute. My boys were out of nappies at 2 so I've got a load in the loft taking up space but no one seems to want second hand cloth nappies at the moment and they cost too much to give away!




Yes my new chooks now have nappy names and earier the OH referred to them a sthe nappy chooks :lol: .


I find cloth nappies still sell well. I just sold my Bimbles really quickly. I'll have a look and see if I can remember where I sold them and I'll pm you.

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