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The Dogmother

Clare's new chickens

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Well, to bring this neatly back on topic (just for the once, mind). The chooks all survived their first night together, just a bit of shuffling around as Dolly is a tad bigger - a bit like when someone big sits in front of you in the cinema - 'Oi, who put that fat bird there?'. Ilet them out in the run on Saturday morning, and apart from a bit of bokking they were fine. Ditto again last night.


The only problem has been getting the two newbies back in the run at dusk - they don't yet understand that a whistle means corn, and that they need to run into the run! :roll: I was trying to do it on my own last night :roll: , and you can't herd chooks and open the run door at the same time - I ended having to net the newbies.

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I hope so! I have got the others trained now, sothe newbies ought to follow, although they are still hesitant about taking corn from my hand.


Work tomorrow, so I hope that Phil can get them in on his own! :roll: He comes down to my place before dusk to get them on the run.


Coo what star! Does he do anything for a whistle and corn too then? :lol::lol:


How did you net him???? :lol:

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Well, he comes when I whistle! :wink:


Seriously, he is a real star. I met him when another chap was the last thing on my mind, and I was trying to get my life (and Rosie's) together. He lives just up the road, next door next door but one to a friend of mine, so I sort of knew him, and always thought he was a lovely bloke. Any way, one day he asked my mate if she thought I might go out with him if he asked. Of course, she phoned me straight up to tell me! :D He really is great, and very helpful too, as I have to work a 40 hour week, he (Phil works from home) will collect stuff for me in the week if need it. But I am always careful not to take him for granted. On top of that, he is one sexy chap too :oops::wink:

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Hopefully we'll meet up in Norfolk in a couple of weeks Kooringa, then you'll see what a honey he is. I'll confim nearer the time that we are going there - the only thing that would stop us is truely awful weather :roll: .


I think that Phil has committed us to Saturday 11th Feb, we are meeting up with some friends up there (they have the most gorgeous Elizabethan farmhouse :roll: and loads of chooks, peacocks, ducks....), but we should be around on Sunday, in fact, I will keep it free :D .

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