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Tessa the Duchess

Stupid tedious day and its only 3,30pm

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It's only 3.30pm and I'm already eyeing up the brandy bottle :) because everything has gone wrong :evil: First off the kettle broke :evil: then I did a load of dark washing and 'somebody' left a tissue in a pocket so everything is covered in those nasty little bits. Then I did another load and the machine has now decided not to spin, so I have a machine full of soaking clothes :cry:

I suspect the w.machine has gone kaput which is a total disaster with a messy toddler and a mud collecting landscape gardner living in the house :( It goes on....I put the dishwasher on didn't notice it needed salt refilled and when I came to empty it all the mugs are still tea stained and everything looks murky, I wash the whole lot up again by hand because I feel guilty using the w.u.machine anyway :roll: Decided I needed to something which doesn't use electricity so cleaned out my chickens which is always enjoyable BUT I can't make the droppings tray lock back, dunno why maybe it's broken? I am sure DH can have a go at fixing these things but he's gone out and has switched his mobile phone off :evil: For a little light relief I did the Omlet Quiz and managed to score a big fat zero because I knew nothing of the subject. :(:(


What else is going to go wrong today :?:



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Oh, dear Tessa, sounds like a disaster of a day :shock:

Look on the bright side, things can only get better from here :lol::lol::lol:


I do sympathise, my day yesterday was a catalogue of disasters........quite funny now 24 hours after the events, but not at all funny at the time :wink::lol::lol::lol::lol: But today's a brilliant day, finished work for a week, got a surprise weekend break looming, hubby's back in my good books, and I'm off out to see a friend now :D


Put your feet up, save the brandy bottle for later, and don't touch any more domestic appliances for today :wink:


Oh, and I reckon you'll do loads better on the quiz tomorrow.............I predict a 9/10 day for you then 8)

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Disasters do come in threes don't they.


My boiler broke yesterday....luckily I was able to stay in today and the chap came to fix in. (That is why I've been on the forum a lot)


The pull cord on of switch thingy broke last night in the down stairs loo so that has been out of action. A friend who is an electrician sent one of his chaps round so that is sorted.


Last night one of the Sky boxes broke...that can't be fixed till Sunday.

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Thanks guys, nice to know others have disaster days :roll: Actually things have improved enormously since DH rolled in, he fixed the poo tray in a trice,

bark had got trapped under the locking thingie, works now :) And he did a bit of clicking of the dial of the w.machine and it span :):) the man's a b***** marvel I made him a cup of tea had to boil a saucepan, kettle is irrepairable, Argos on Sat. will be a nightmare with e.body doing their christmas shopping :roll:



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Oh dear..... here's my list

Our central heating pump went on Sunday morning. We therefore have no hot water- the immersion heater doesn't work, & hasn't since we moved here 8 years ago. We are going to my parents house literally down the road for baths. It takes 3 boils of the kettle to wash up. The gas fire is constantly on. Ethan is asleep now in my bed with an earache, & I won't even begin to tell you about my current health problem.

But.... the gas man is coming to put a new pump in on Saturday afternoon :D My washing machine is still working, & my drier- so I can have clean clothes, I have got used to very brief cold morning showers (we have a mixer tap, not an electric shower) & our church family is currently upholding Stuart & myself & the boys in prayer for my health problem.

The best bit is that as a Christian I am not going through any of this alone, I am comforted by the knowledge that my Saviour Jesus Christ is going through these dark days with me, & is by my side.

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wow, what a unfortunate eventful day....hope your evening is quiet.


Today for me -


I have always wanted an indoor fire - tonight I caught my payslips and mortgage forms alight when we were filling the mortgage form by a scented candle on the kitchen table!! :roll: hubby was trying to blow it out :roll: which only made the matter worse and they all went up in a puff of smoke. We now have to wait another week for the bank to send out a new set!!

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Disasters do come in threes don't they.


My boiler broke yesterday....luckily I was able to stay in today and the chap came to fix in. (That is why I've been on the forum a lot)


The pull cord on of switch thingy broke last night in the down stairs loo so that has been out of action. A friend who is an electrician sent one of his chaps round so that is sorted.


Last night one of the Sky boxes broke...that can't be fixed till Sunday.


:shock: Compared to when??? The day before you joined??? :wink:

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That is why I've been on the forum a lot)


Oh, that explains it Egluntine!


Never see you on here so much normally! :wink::wink::wink::lol::lol::lol:


:shock: Shocked Compared to when??? The day before you joined??? :wink:


Are you both trying to tell me something.? :lol:


I had quite a nice day.....did loads of housework :shock: ....the place is gleaming......in between forum visits. :lol:

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