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new car tomorrow!!!

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well, today is here & I didn't sleep good - was fidgeting all night!!!! he he

But I'm getting nervous now about driving the car from the garage! Going straight my mums, which is quite a drive! Yikes!!! Daft aren't I?

Do you want a giggle? The last part of my registratration is FAK! I suppose that's how Southeners say the F word!!! :wink:



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They can take it as they like! But why oh why do hubbies always delay you? :x He is faffing around on his computer, still got to lock up his sheds & move the cars about yet. We have to be at the garage for 2pm & it's quite a drive! Grrrrrrrrrr annoying! Just wait til he's in a rush or got an appointment - I shall have to brush my hair at least 100 times, go the loo 10 times, re apply my makeup, find a suitable handbag etc etc.



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Hi - One very happy chicken here!!!!! :D I'm back home with my new car - it's fab! It's so shiny black with spoiler 8) & a powered by fairydust graphics thing in the back window - bought off ebay! It feels like driving a 4x4 compared to my spitfire & I love being high up. So comfy & a dream to drive. Love it love it love it!!!! Mum was a bit jealous coz she has a red one xs sport with the white stripe & hers hasn't got air con or a spoiler.


I shall be thinking where to tootle off to tomorrow now!

Just opened a San Miguel to celebrate - then I've got a bottle of white mulled wine from Marks & Sparks to try too.


I'm over the moon & keep looking at it.


Oh yes, it's a 3 door urban move type.



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I shall be thinking where to tootle off to tomorrow now!

Just opened a San Miguel to celebrate - then I've got a bottle of white mulled wine from Marks & Sparks to try too.


Don't put yourself over the limit for tomorrow! :lol:




The weather forecast is awful so I hope you do manage to get out.

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Only actually had a San Miguel as got the sniffles and my sore throat now also includes my gums hurting round my wisdom teeth. Wonder if I've got an infection? Will have another gargle later. So I'm on nice warm options drinks. Yes weather looks terrible for York on Sunday - I'll be putting my long boots and my wooly hat on!!!


Our cat is now sniffing round my car - thinking oooo what a nice warm bonnet. She better not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


Off to bed now for an early night - feeling a bit yuk with my gums & face aching. Hope it's not the start of tooth problem!


Emma.x The happy motorer!

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