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a message for lesley

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lesley, would you like me to pick up a spud for you??


if you let me know before tomorrow i will see what i can do.


cant wait!


You might regret that - have you got a tractor and trailer then - 8 ACRES!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Thanks for the offer Laura - but I think we will be buying a few more this year :D


You've probably already left so I hope you've had a good time - and let us know what you've bought.


That is if you didn't get trampled in the rush - it's a bit like a jumble sale in the marquee :roll:

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Glad you had a good time Laura - you can see why I don't like going though - not easy on crutches (2004) or with a walking stick (2005) :lol:


Red DoY is one I've chosen for this year and last year we grew Yukon Gold - they are both lovely. The Smile is new though so it will be interesting to see how they all do.

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