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introducing a new hen

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my lovely edith died last night leaving pumpkin all alone after only 3 weeks...the lovely people at omlet advised me to replace her asap so I have been to get a gorgeous new golden girl today. She is in a box and the lady I bought her from advised me to put her in with pumpkin at night so they can sort out their pecking order without trouble.. but I thought I'd ask the forum folk as you guys always give such good advice - any tips? Thanks

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sorry to hear about Edith, I read about it on the other thread :( Can't offer any advice as I've never had to do it myself but you might find the answer in the faq section.


Good luck :)

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Good luck with your new girl. You say your new girl is in a box at present, so I'd let your current hen go to bed first and then when its dark, if using an eglu, put your new girl in through the nest box door. If your existing hen is being really helpful and has gone to sleep in a position that makes this difficult to place the new hen in, simply move her to a better place, leave it a few minutes then put the new girl in.



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I've introduced new girls like that and it worked OK; it is sometimes a bit distressing for a day or two while they sort things out - bit of bullying and squarking etc. but its worked OK. especially if they are close in age.


Otherwise let them run together for a period of time each day, but separate them for some of the day and for the night time. Then gradually increase the time they are together until, after a week or two, they are together all the time and sleep together.


Worked for me, even with Evil Georgie - and she was horrid to any new girls at first.

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thanks you guys I knew you would all have good ideas...have waited till Pumpkin went to bed then popped Ruby (I decided this name having let my family name the other chick!) in through the nest door. Just been to peep at them and although they are not snuggling up like the other 2 did they are not pecking chunks out of each other... fingers crossed!

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well they seem to be ok today - though Ruby has asserted herself and poor old Pumkin looks as though she is back down to bottom of the pecking order again... she looks a bit edgy around Ruby who will have abit of a go if she gets too near but have been keeping an eye this afternoon and they are rubbing along ok - another night in the same eglu should do it - thanks again for all your advice, guys, Ali

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