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One Man Banned

Don't you just love Google Earth.....

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I don't know why but I logged into Google Earth today and they've updated our local area with some new pics (about time tho as the last ones were over 4 years old :D) It's great as you can see the Eglu on the patio and the worst.....

I only had half a garden when the pic was taken.


It must have been taken around this this time last year when we moved the laydees onto the patio and gave them half the garden and with the awful weather and clay soil they really did turn our garden into the Somme.


It took 3 large bags of grass seed for shady lawns to grow a lawn back and they now have the whole perimeter this year.


But thanks to Google Earth, I get to look at the devastation from last year for....about another 4 years :cry:




But even more worrying is the picture of the new estate that in two years has grown and still has another 5 years of building to go. It's Kingsway.




The yellow A38 shows the village as it was on one side and the new development on the other. The development will strecth just past the end of the photo and it's horrid to think that this area will never be the same again :(




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I was interested as I've always found MSN maps to have the better pictures. The picture of mine on Google is new - taken before I lived there but not on the site until recently - only looked becasue of this thread. I've done an amalgamation the bigger closer fuzzier picture is the google one and the other is the MSN one - MSN have 3 views of my house, the red roofed building is our summerhouse. I don't think you'll find us from this map and frankly when its dark "Ooops, word censored!"ody can find us anyway!




To clarify our independant living arrangements a bit - the entire flat roofed part is Mums 1 bedroomed granny annexe - its accessed via its own front door or internally through a door in my kitchen. The pictures contain pretty much all our garden - I've cropped them to cut off the neighbours - the chooks have free range of the whole back garden.

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