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Toasting Marshmallows

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blow torch? :D



I tried to toast marshmallows once on an open fire in a lodge at centerparcs- all it did was melt all over the place rather than toast. I tried again (several times) a bit farther away from the fire but the same thing happened, they just kept melting! They were just normal marshmallows.


can anyone tell me, do they have to be a special type of marshmallow or something!???

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We did an experiment on bonfire night & Morrisons marshmallows came out tops....the pink & white ones in a bag. We just used some old twigs, sharpened to a point with a pen knife.


Indoor toasting - Over a lead free, cotton wicked candle??? Or use one of those chefs blow torches?? I've no idea really - just guessing & trying to help! :lol:


Good luck



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If they said no to camping stoves and BBQs Im guessing all gas powered options are out. Leaving electic. do you have any plug in electical things like a panini maker or grill? that might work, as they have teflon coating so stuff doesnt stick. The only other thing is a toaster with the masrshmallows sitting ontop of the crosant attachment but I would worry about sugery melting mallow dripping into the toaster and starting a fire.


If not could you heat marshmallows at home and stich a couple between rich teas like a sandwich and take a load of those in to be eaten cold?

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you say you've "been asked" to do it. I'm assuming the school asked you but are they also the ones banning the equipment?


Ask them how they'd do it without a naked flame! :lol:

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  Poet said:
  CatsCube said:
. do you have any plug in electical things like a panini maker or grill?


you'll be s"Ooops, word censored!"ing melted marshmallow off for weeks! :shock:


should be okay if its a flat grill. we have a panini maker which I sometimes do cheese toped garlic bread on, I have the cheese grated ontop and have that in direct contact with the lid and when I open it it just pops straight out. Marvelous thing!

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had another idea for you though, do you have a fondue set or can you borrow one? Would you be allowed to have a tealight going underneath it?


melt some chocolate in the fondue and have choccie covered marshmallows instead? Let people dip their own, more fun! :)


Don't let them dip again once they've had their gob round it though ;)

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  CatsCube said:
  Poet said:
  CatsCube said:
. do you have any plug in electical things like a panini maker or grill?


you'll be s"Ooops, word censored!"ing melted marshmallow off for weeks! :shock:


should be okay if its a flat grill. we have a panini maker which I sometimes do cheese toped garlic bread on, I have the cheese grated ontop and have that in direct contact with the lid and when I open it it just pops straight out. Marvelous thing!


so do I but cheese and marshmallow are different entities altogether but, on your own head be it! ;)

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Oooooh.....Tunnocks Teacakes??! YUM!! I feel a trip to the shop before the school pick-up coming on! And i try to kid on that the only reason my stomach is ballooning is because of the baby!! :lol:

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  CatsCube said:
  Poet said:
  CatsCube said:
. do you have any plug in electical things like a panini maker or grill?


you'll be s"Ooops, word censored!"ing melted marshmallow off for weeks! :shock:


should be okay if its a flat grill. we have a panini maker which I sometimes do cheese toped garlic bread on, I have the cheese grated ontop and have that in direct contact with the lid and when I open it it just pops straight out. Marvelous thing!


I have one of those Cat and it's marvellous.


We toast marshmallows in front of the logburner, but they toast really quickly and you have to catch them before they drop off the skewers :roll: Goodness only knows how you're supposed to do it without a flame though. I guess that you coud do them under an electric grill if they have one....

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done it! I now have a glob of sticky marsmallow on the end of a fork, when you shut the lid they sort of smear across the plate, so its pro easier to keep it open and turn them over. you dont get the same charcol outside effect but they do caramalise on the outside and go brown and the they go sticky and runny. so you could do them like that, pop them on cocktail sticks and sit them ontop of it for 30 seconds ish.


It wiped off fine to with just a damp kitchen cloth.



mmm these are nice

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  CatsCube said:
done it! I now have a glob of sticky marsmallow on the end of a fork, when you shut the lid they sort of smear across the plate, so its pro easier to keep it open and turn them over. you dont get the same charcol outside effect but they do caramalise on the outside and go brown and the they go sticky and runny. so you could do them like that, pop them on cocktail sticks and sit them ontop of it for 30 seconds ish.


It wiped off fine to with just a damp kitchen cloth.



mmm these are nice


I wondered if you would ;)


Now I know it works, think I might give it a go, thanks for testing it out first though ;)

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  craftyhunnypie said:
That pimped up snack was fantastic! Did you pair really make that?!! :shock:


Me? Bake? :lol: If Shona and I did attempt to make that, we never get past the chocolate stage.


No, it wasn't us, but the topic was bought about by somebody (and I'm desperately trying to think who) on the forum who made a gigantic Butterfly cup cake. It was fantastic.

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