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Guest Debs13

West End Tickets

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We are planning a trip to London in February half term and plan to visit a musical in the West End, we saw Sound of Music this year which was fab


Has anyone bought tickets from those kiosks that sell last minute tickets. Are they really cheap and can you get top shows?


We would like Lion King, Wicked, Mama Mia that sort of thing (we would like to see Avenue Q but dont think its suitable for children?)


Any advice on where to get cheap tickets appreciated or do we just pay full whack


Thanks guys

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We go to the theatre in the West End reasonably often. I always assumed the last minute kiosk places would be more expensive than getting them straight from the theatre putting on the show. Some shows are fully booked at certain times maybe half term would be one of those times. I would phone the theatre and book tickets now, in advance, to be on the safe side.

Going to see Herges Adventures of Tintin next week, am a big Tintin fan :)



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On a couple of trips to London we've done this.


Go into a internet cafe or your Hotel internet. pay for the minimum time you can get.

Access www.lastminute.com and search for London Theatre for that date.

Book on-line and pick the tickets up at the Theatre Box Office half an hour before the show. Last time we did it we got 3 tickets for "Rent" face value price £25.00 each we paid £10.00 each

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Clash, great minds think alike. I've had some fabulous bargains from lastminute.com :D . Also recommended for eating cheaply at some very s"Ooops, word censored!"y restaurants, a lot of them do cheap menus for lastminute customers as long as you're prepared to eat early, ideal for pre-show meals, and book ahead :D

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I believe the half-price kiosk does offer genuine bargains, but you have to be there early and queue up, and it is pot luck as to which shows you can get tickets for. If you look at their website,



you can see which shows they don't have cheap tickets for, and what the likely discount is.


Beware of other ticket kiosks, you are generally better to go direct to the theatre. If you're in London anyway, it's always worth going to the Box Office in case of any returns if there's a show you really want to see. Good luck - I love going to the theatre, and don't really go often enough considering how close to London I live.

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Thanks all


Some great ideas


We aren't bothered what show we see really. We just love the theatre


So maybe we'll just pitch up and take our chances


If not I'm sure there are other things we could do instead :D

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