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Goosey Lucy


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did I spend valuable time last night making delicious home-made choc chip cookies for ES to take to school for his party that we were only told about last night to have most of them thrown away because the kids wanted packet biscuits. ES ate two but 'There were loads left, Mum'


Why oh why oh why do I bother?


Grrrr :evil:

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Cross? I'm livid! It's only sitting here typing to all of you lot who I believe to hold similar beliefs that's getting me through the Grrrr rant stage. Plus I'm feeling absolutely lousy with a stuffed up nose, blocked sinuses and a horrendously sore throat that seems to have come out of nowhere.


I think I need a lie down in a dark room...will have to be at half 7 once both kids are in bed. OH has gone to Nottingham to see his parents and to get his haircut so I can do what I like tonight.

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Well the school is sensible when it comes to food but obviously the children aren't. At least my kid knows that they taste yummy even if they aren't bright pink and of uniform size, shape and thickness.


And they only gave us 12 hrs notice!!!


Loads of parents were saying they would have to dash to the shop for something as it was such short notice.


Ok rant over, he had a lovely time and now it's the holidays so no more desperate rush out of the house until Tuesday January 8th. :D

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That's awful.... I'm really glad our school allows homemade cakes and biscuits on any event... they sometimes hold 'small cakes' sales for charity, and many people make their own, including us, and they sell, well, like hot cakes...


That must be very frustrating and disappointing...

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How rubbish of the school and kids! I thought the idea of these things was to bring in home made stuff not just packets of buscuits from the shops.


The thing that would anoy me most is the throwing them in the bin part. What an utter waste, you would have thought they would at least of put them in a bag or box for her to take back home so someone could enjoy them. I hate to waste food in any way, I often bring home food from teh restaurant where I work, and every night I finish off the hot chocolate thats left so it doesnt get tipped away. I even bring back stale bread and crossants for the girls.

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The thing that would anoy me most is the throwing them in the bin part. What an utter waste, you would have thought they would at least of put them in a bag or box for her to take back home so someone could enjoy them. .


I agree....such bad manners, wastefulness and an appalling example to the children.


I wouldn't bother another time. :evil:

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oh poor you - I suspect this is a bit like the organic food problem - children are so used to seeing food that is machine-produced and regular in size, colour etc, that they did not recognise your home-made cookies as being biscuits.


I bet if they had tried one, they would have come back for more! Home-made ones are always best.

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One thing I don't get, if the schools prefer wrapped bought stuff, why don't they just ask for a small financial contribution from parents and get someone from the school to buy the stuff?


My girls are extremely fussy about everything, and like processed stuff, but they will always try, and often eat, homemade cake, bread, biscuits... maybe cause I involve them in the cooking...

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We had to send £1 in for Alexander's party at school. School has a "healthy schools" status.....


He got to eat a packet of crisps, a Freddo frog chocolate bar & one of those cylinder cartons of rubbish juice (where the children normally push the straw through the bottom than the top)


i despair. i'm actually glad he's leaving it soon, & Ethan will not be going there.

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We had to send £1 in for Alexander's party at school. School has a "healthy schools" status.....


He got to eat a packet of crisps, a Freddo frog chocolate bar & one of those cylinder cartons of rubbish juice (where the children normally push the straw through the bottom than the top)


i despair. i'm actually glad he's leaving it soon, & Ethan will not be going there.



Good grief. :shock: What would the have given the children before they achieved "Healthy School" status?.

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revnev cheekily said:

still.... at least none of the kids (except ES) will catch the nasty cold that you have......



Oy! I'll have you know I was at my most hygenic! I didn't scratch my nose (or any other body part) sneeze or cough in the vicinity of biscuits and I certainly didn't fiddle with my hair!




And it was the pippin kids that gave me the cold in the first place!

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