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Guest Poet

jam jar lids

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I use 'very lazy garlic', 'very lazy ginger', 'very lazy chilli' etc




and the jars are lovely and I would like to use them for jam but the lids are impregnated with whatever has been in the jar, no matter how many times I wash them or soak them in boiling water.


I can't find lids that small on the net, the diameter of the jar neck is 50mm/2inches.


Anyone know where I can get some lids this size?


I've already checked Lakeland so I'd appreciate if you could let me know for definate if you know where I can find them, as I've searched most of the obvious sites already.



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afamily wrote:


Sorry Poet, I'd try the wax discs and cellophane as Snowy suggested, I do that for my jams and chutneys and it works well.


Where can you buy the wax discs and cellophane from? I made jam and marmalade this year but couldn't find them anywhere, so I ended up using those dumpy little vac pac kilner jars which seem to work well :)



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afamily wrote:


Sorry Poet, I'd try the wax discs and cellophane as Snowy suggested, I do that for my jams and chutneys and it works well.


Where can you buy the wax discs and cellophane from? I made jam and marmalade this year but couldn't find them anywhere, so I ended up using those dumpy little vac pac kilner jars which seem to work well :)




thanks everyone, seems such a shame not to re-use them, I'll probably have to use wax discs and a topper as i want to give them as gifts so don't want to spend money on expensive kilner jars.


I'd be interested to know where to buy the cellophane tops too, I got my wax discs from Lakeland last time as I put one on the jam even if I use a screw top lid.

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Fab site **here**, Poet.


They sell every conceivable type of container and jar...including lip balm tins!!


For those who make their own lotions and potions.........heaven.


Lids of all sizes.


I'm wondering if a 48 mm would do.


I can send you one to try.....or you could buy a jar of St Darfour jam.


You'd have to make the ultimate sacrifice and eat the contents though. :lol:

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I don't even know if I should be measuring the diameter of the jar or the lid itself to be honest. The diameter of the jar is quite possibly 48mm, difficult to tell when the measurements get to mm :? The diameter of the lid is obviously going to be wider, I think (before I threw it in the bin) it might have been 60mm ish at its widest point!? :?


All this just so I can re-use a jar! :lol:


I'm afraid I don't have a good fudge recipe, was going to google for one, I think it's just sugar, condensed milk, butter and some flavouring- vanilla extract etc.


Thanks for all your help, that is a good site egluntine but if you only want 1 lid they charge you a £10 small order charge for orders under £50, yikes! :shock:


I'll pm you about your kind offer.



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