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A child of (one day) divorced parents

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Well Christmas 1 happened. The ex's Mum and Girlfriend seemed to have made a good effort (last year all he bought him was a load of cars, many of which were the same ones he bought for his birthday!) and James was returned tonight with 2 sacks of toys and a huge construction train thing (which is one of those HIDEOUS toys where every single bit is screwed down - and they hadn't got it out!!!!). The toys are good ones and there are DVD's, annuals, colouring books etc as well as some lego stuff which really chuffed him as he is just getting into lego.




Only sign of his usual thoughtfullness was that Black & Decker workbench thingy, which of course is the one toy they had opened. Amazing how he can't remember carrying a workbench and tools back to the car the summer before last when I bought one at the boot sale!!!! If he stayed over with his father often enough I would suggest he kept one there.


Christmas 2 is tomorrow with us, there are less toys in number but the things he has really been after plus a desk and chair that I bought him off Ebay and I've "wrapped" in my best Christmas tablecloth (beat that for being green!!!!)


I have to laugh a little, when we were together his Dad never bought him a single thing!

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He texted me earlier in the year that they were planning to get married so hopefully that means a divorce will happen. She will be paying for it though as he only has beer money, and most of that isn't even his.


I'm not all that fussed - I have a financial seperation which cost me a lot of money but he can't make any further claims on me, if I was desperate to get a divorce I could go for an el-cheapo internet one as with the finances sorted out there is no need to pay a solicitor. He has to wait until May before starting it as he has no grounds except seperation - I could have divorced him on several counts (but not the g/f he met her a month after I chucked him out)

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There are no custody issues and we have a financial seperation so no need for an expensive divorce. We both had to pay solicitors to get the financial seperation - he can't claim on me now. However, should he ever have any money I can make a claim on James' behalf as you cannot be financially seperated from your kids (even when his solicitor explained that to him he didn't understand).


Because of the financial seperation there are no assets to split, TBH he left with nothing but his own clothes BUT I did have to make him a lump sum payment.

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My arent we the happy positive ones.


I'm glad James seemed to have a good time. I think his Dad did well. My hubby could never have managed to remember to buy a present let alone get him a decent one. I would have been thank ful for the thought. BTW my normally very efficient mil has bought ds1 the same present for the last 3 years running he gets loads off her so I just squirrel the spares away until the next playgroup raffle so its not just exhusbands who cant remember these things.

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LOL to your MIL. His Dad didn't buy him anything - it would have been his girlfriend. His Dad doesnt' have any money and if he did he would spend it on beer and horses. Sad but thats the way it is.


I was really pleased though that he wasn't bought another load of cars, last year he did get so many different ones off his Dad that he was bored opening them. The presents he got this year showed some thought and more consideration than usual. Except of course the workbench thing which is very space consuming and of course he doesn't want to throw either the old one or the new one out. :?

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LOL to your MIL. His Dad didn't buy him anything - it would have been his girlfriend. His Dad doesnt' have any money and if he did he would spend it on beer and horses. Sad but thats the way it is.



My Uncle is like this, this year he bought a CD for one of my cousins, a pair of roller blades for the second and for the 3rd absolutely nothing! He ran out of money! :evil:

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