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looking forward to primeval!

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watched the first series, was dubious whether it would be any good but really enjoyed it. They really left us hanging in the last series so I can't wait to find out what that big bat type creature was and why nick's girlfriend disappeared.

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I can't really remember what happened at the end of the last ep - did hunky Stephen and mad wife woman gets sucked into a portal thingy?


I read an interview with Hannah from SClub and the geeky guy and apparently they have some sort of sexual tension going on in this series. In their words 'the writers seems to have forgotten the thing Abby had going with Stephen in the last series'. I hate it when they do that. Bit like when they forgot that Rachel and Joey almost got together in Friends.


I'll still watch it though - I'll Sky+ it and watch it when the kids are in bed - too scary for them!



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I can't really remember what happened at the end of the last ep - did hunky Stephen and mad wife woman gets sucked into a portal thingy?



she escaped into the portal and i think Nick followed her. Not sure about Stephen I'm sure they'll have a recap, at least I hope so! :D

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I've been enjoying the help of Owen in the kitchen on a Saturday night, making tea, but now that Primeval is back on, it looks like I'm going to be dumped for the tv again! :lol:


He loved that, and Prehistoric Park, although I'm not sure if they've made another series of Prehistoric Park.

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Well I always wondered who the hell watched this, I was amazed when I saw the adverts that is had been comissioned for a second series as I think it was absolutly abismal!


Oh well!


Couldnt agree more - im really not keen on sci-fi at all!


The OH is really looking forward to it - oh dear! :(


Each to their own i suppose! :lol:

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can't bear fantasy stuff like Harry Potter but love sci fi, not sure why. Maybe it's a fascination with what might be out there. My dad bought me one of Carl Sagan's books when I was little, maybe that sparked it all off. That and seeing the dinosaur skeletons in the Liverpool museum.

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I watched it for the first time last night,prompted by this thread 8)


Must say I quite enjoyed it ....... in fact we all did & we will certainly see it again.

It was a bit confusing with all the missing people,different names etc,etc, but I reckon we will be up to speed soon enough.


That blonde s- clubber is now a brunete,dan. She was on Jonathan Ross this week along with the co star she is living with 8)

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We were really disappointed. I had persuaded dh to watch it with me but he spent the whole time tutting at the lack of plot and I expect from now on I'll be sky+ ing it for later viewing alone.


I agree that James Murray is almost worth watching on his own but WHY has the actor playing Connor got all bulked up - can't they keep him as a weedy nerd? Bet he spends most of the series with his shirt off....


My 5 1/2 year old woke up last night with the screaming ab dabs. Not sure if it was Harry Potter that they watched before bed or the trailers for Primeval (wouldn't let him watch the prog - too scary) Too much scary stuff on tv these days!



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recorded the last 3 episodes and only got round to watching the first episode of the new series just now! :lol:


Thought it was brilliant, loved the motorbike chase through the shopping centre.


it was a bit weird that there was no blood left where the cleaner had been lying? Surely the raptor couldn't have eaten him in one go!?


wonder why the big raptor ate the little one too if it was its baby?


things like that bug me as they weren't explained :?


don't tell me what happens next week, erm, I mean last week :lol:

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Im quite proud of the fact that I have never seen a single star wars film, origional or the new ones, I must be about the only person on the planet who hasnt.


So sorry CatsCube but I haven't seen any Star Wars films either. Despite the fact that I love everything supernatural, fantasy, sci fi AND Harry Potter and everything that shows that people have imagination, inspiration and so on. Not that I don'tlike the real world, but documentaries bore me. When I go and see a film or even watch TV it's because I want to be entertained and transported out of the ordinary life I lead. Same when I read books. I only sit in front of the box for a few hours a week and now I sit here hoping Danish TV will consider showing this, like they did Doctor Who. But it will probably be some satellite channel I can't get anyway.


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Where do I start :roll:

We love Sci Fi :D

primeval has it's faults but we watch it :D

However, OH's homemade version of Skyplus has messed up twice and

*winge alert*

the ITV online player (to catch up on episodes) only works if you run windows and possibly even not then :( and it's not repeated.

AS OH does linux for a living there's not much chance of a working Windows box at home :roll: but he is working on clever workarounds when he has time.

Still not seen season 2 at all though :roll:



We like it...as adults.....in a late time slot (Dan :wink: ). It again has its faults, but wow it had Spike from Buffy in the opening episode who is fantastic :clap:

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