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Mel (& Paul)

mind bending puzzle.

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This IS good fun. :)


To those of you who think it's 50:50, let me ask a slightly different question. Your conclusion is based on the principle that the previous choices have no effect on the last one, and it is true that there is no direct link. But the consequence of those choices is that, for the last egg, there are unequal numbers of the two colours to pick from.


So let's talk about choosing just one egg. Imagine there are 1000 white and 1 brown. Do you still think the chance of white and brown is 50:50? If not, then it must be because the ratio of white to brown IS important after all (rather than just the fact that there are two colours). And it follows that if there are more of one colour than the other, then the likelihood of choosing each colour is not equal.


I hope that's clear.




(And if you don't pose a new question tomorrow, I will trouble you all with the Monty Hall problem!) :evil:

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Mel, please send the answer. My husband has been home all day and has been thinking about you all the time . . . :mrgreen: He keeps checking to see if you've posted the answer, but you haven't! :( Please put him out of his misery or I will have a very miserable weekend! :wink::wink:

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......... He keeps checking to see if you've posted the answer, but you haven't! ..

So do I...please hurry Mel, before I start posting more theories and explanations!

Someone (at work, unrelated to this topic) has already offered to put me out of my misery and have me put down :roll::wink: ...but, I just want the answer.

...and the next couple of puzzles! :P

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