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hi again. i really need your advice.

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wasn't sure where to post this but i just wanted to say hi and happy belated new year to you all. haven't been on lately.

chickens are doing fine although lucy is still bottom of the pecking order and getting a bit slim(bless her).


i've got a bit of a predicament that is nothing to do with chickens but hoped i could still ask it on here.


right now i go to a normal school but have been offered a place in a grammer skool. all my friends are at my current skool(one doesn't have phone or internet) and i'm really attached to it. i'll get better academic grades if i change but i'm not sure wats the best thing to do.


sorry for not using caps but i'm really fed up right now-i have until monday to decide.


please please give me some advice!!

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what can the grammar school offer you that your usual school doesnt?

are there different courses that you could choose?


dont worry about the friends, if they are friends, they will stay that, if they dont contact you, then you are better off without them.


you will also pick up new friends, :D so double the fun :D


either way, if you go and dont like it you can always go back, if you dont go, you may always wonder what it would be like.


ok, I probably havent helped much there have I?

oh well, good luck in deciding




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Hello :D You do have a difficult choice :(


I don't think I have the answer, but I do think that if you want to do well, you will.


What year are you in? and why do you think your grades will improve at the other school?


Don't forget, good friends will stay just that whether you are at school with them or not :)


Good luck making your mind up :?


Karen x

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thanks cathy for the quick reply! :)


the school is the number one girls chool in the area and will probably look better on my cv(god thats far away yet).

my friends are all really good and have made me feel great all through my mock sats and i really don't want to leave them. (another thing is that an all girl school would be more boring because there are no cute guys to chat too!)



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better on my cv(god thats far away yet).


Time passes quickly....and friends change too.


Look to your future.


What are your aspirations.


What are the results like in your current school as opposed to the grammar school.


Which one is more likely to help you get to where you want to be in 10 years time?


Base your decision on that.


Good luck.


Boys are a distraction! :lol:

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I know us older folk go on about Education, but it really is important. :wink:


If I had my time all over again at school I know I would definitely have tried harder, concentrated harder and strived to get better grades.


The choice is yours, its an important one....but if you want better grades and you say the grammar school is a better academically then maybe you may want to consider that one?


You'll make lots of new friends if you move. :)

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If I had my time all over again at school I know I would definitely have tried harder, concentrated harder and strived to get better grades.


Same here.


You sound a bright person with a great future.....take the long view....and don't spoil your chances with daft lads who you won't cross the street to say hello to in 5 years. :lol:

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Puffball, I went to an all girls grammar school and none of us ever had ANY trouble meeting boys..... :wink:


I now work in a mixed comprehensive.


If you are at a school where students can and do achieve the results you think you need/want/are capable of, then you can do the same - you sound like you have your head screwed on!

If you feel the attitudes and behaviour of some other students would make it difficult for you, take that into account when you weigh up your decision. Think not just about the number of students who achieve 5 A* to C grades, but about the staff, their expectations of you and the level of support they will give you.


However if you don't feel you can do your best at your current school, you should consider the move.


Of course your friends will want you to stay - that's what friends do - but if they want the best for you, they will understand if you decide to move.



A difficult decision - but I'm sure you will make the right one.

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My dream job would be to be a zookeeper/park keeper like on the programme Animal Park. I don't think they get paid very much but I don't really know.


No trouble meeting boys...if you say so.


The trouble is that I don't have too good an idea of what I want to do so knowing if it will help me later in life is tough...


Wonderful advice by the way-cheers! :)

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Wouldn't it be nice to be one of the girls-I'd love to be Gloria.

Just wander around eat a few bugs and sleep. What an easy life...


Yes, it would...their difficult decisions are....


mmm :think: shall i scratch for some worms?

mmm :think: shall i have a dust bath?

mmm :think: shall i wander over to the human people and scav some treats?



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Wouldn't it be nice to be one of the girls-I'd love to be Gloria.

Just wander around eat a few bugs and sleep. What an easy life...


Yes, it would...their difficult decisions are....


mmm :think: shall i scratch for some worms?

mmm :think: shall i have a dust bath?

mmm :think: shall i wander over to the human people and scav some treats?




:lol: that sounds about right! :lol:

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hi "Puffball"


i teach in a comprehensive secondary school.

here is my opinion:


colleges and universities, or even employers will give a much higher value to your grades if you got them from a Grammar school. i know it sounds silly but it is kust what things are like at the moment.

also: no boys in the classroom will certainly mean less distraction for you, so more focus, and eventually better grades.

bearing in mind that better grades will without doubt lead you to better job opportunities, and therefore better way of life...

let me put itthis way: would you rather earn around £1000 a month and get by and have your house paid off when you are 60 years old, with hardly any travelling around the world or any exta of the kind... or would you rather earn three or four or more times as much per month, pay off a house in ten years, afford any extra you fancy...


as for boys, All girl schools are usually paired up with neighbouring all boy schools. Boys should not be your concern at the moment anyway,you have SATs to take in four months...


hope it doesn't sound too pompous or old fashioned...

one thing everyone will tell you here: DO NOT MESS UP WITH YOUR FUTURE!



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Oh, the very best of luck and do give yourself a real chance to settle in.


I started in a comprehensive then moved area and went to a grammar, so have experience of both. It is a fact that you are more likely (not definitely just likely) to do better academically at a grammar. If you are bright enough to get in, then the teaching is likely to be at a level that suits you. I was bored at my comprehensive and found the teaching was of a much lower standard and did not stretch me.


Think about what subjects you enjoy. There is no doubt that the art classes were 100% better at the comp I went to and not up to much at my grammar, which I regret as I may have otherwise done well in art, but I don't think this will be the case for all grammars.


The differences I found will not apply to all schools and everyone is different, but I do know that if I had stayed at my comprehensive I would not have gone to university, which may or may not be important to you.


Good luck and think of what you want for the future as it is just around the corner, although it might not seem like that now!

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Hi Puffball


I'm glad you've decided to go for the Girls' High School. You do know it came top in the country in the latest League tables don't you? You'd be mad not to go and you won't be that far from the KEGS lads ;)


Well done on being offerred a place you must be a very bright girl.

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I went to an all girls school and have taught in both girls schools and mixed. The girls at the girls school still met as many boys, and enjoyed school a lot more as they have no-one to "impress". As a teache I liked teaching single sex, as I could do a lot of "girly" books that I know have to avoid, as we need to make sure we have a "boy-friendly" curriculum in English.


Good luck with your trial, try and give it 100% and at the very least you should make some new friends.

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:lol: yeah but i might as well make the most of them now...;)


thanks for all your advice, but i'm afraid my friends are disagreeing with you! :)


Of course they are!!!! But it's your life.


You do what YOU think is best, lets face it you can only be wrong, or right or both.


Which ever route you choose, once you have chosen, stick with it and don't look back.


Good luck.



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