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Yet another Newbie

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:D Hi everyone, I'm Helen and we too took delivery of a wonderful green Eglu and 2 chickens on Good Friday afternoon. We have a Ginger and a Miss pepperpot, who both appear to be settling in well although Ginger does look a little 'tatty' as she seems to be losing some little feathers. They are both still quite young, about 6weeks from laying we were told. We are trying to spend loads of time with them and the children have managed to hold them on their knees a few times. Any words of advice from you experienced chicken keepers? Are ther any golden rules we should be following? Hope to hear from someone soon. Hope you all had a good Easter Sunday Helen

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:D:D Greetings Helen! As you may gather from other postings I'm a newcomer myself - I had my (yellow eglu) delivered last Wednesday but I have yet to get my chickens. :( Everyone here on the Omlet forum is terribly friendly and I'm sure all the old pro's will be along shortly ready to welcome you and share their hints and tips on the art of chicken keeping. :D
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Hi Helen. It sounds like things are going fine with your girls. The feather loss in your gingernut could be stress from the move or from them sorting out the pecking order, unless the skin looks red and sore it unlikely to be a problem. (I'm still quite a newbie, only had my girls 6 weeks but there's so much information here). Sweetcorn is a useful tool in taming chooks and once they learn you are the provider of treats they are very tame and friendly although some are always happier than others to be picked up. We'd all love you to fill in the questionarre section here and let us get to know you more. Happy chicken keeping :D

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Hello and welcome Helen! Happy Easter to you as well :wink: .


I'm not sure quite how to feel about being an "old pro" :shock::wink::lol::lol: ! I think after nearly 10 months of chicken keeping, I'm certainly a lot more experienced than I was!!


The best advice I can give you, Helen, is to read through all the topics on the forum. I know it sounds quite a tall order but so many of your questions will be answered because someone is bound to have asked them already! There are "Sticky" topics in all the sections which read rather like a FAQ section where you will find links to relevent topics. Don't forget to visit the questionnaire in this section to satisfy us nosey old pros!!


Good luck with your girls - keep handling them and you won't go wrong :D


All the best,

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:) thanks for the welcoming words...is it tinned sweetcorn that you use for the chickens? I've trained a Lab but she would eat anything...I'm not sure what to use on the chucks as they dont seem to be eating much of the layer mash either. I have given them a little marmite on toast and that went down well but then marmite is a little salty? any suggestions Edited by Guest
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I've used tinned sweetcorn and frozen, defrosted of course and both girls seem not to notice the difference. Mone didn't seem to eat as much as I expected till they started laying, now they vary but mostly seem to eat quite a lot. They also love carrot peelings, which are supposed to be good against parasites

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Hi Helen, :) happy easter and welcome to the forum! your girls will soon settle , and in a few weeks you'll wonder why you never got hens years ago, you'll become as chicken-potty as the rest of us are! getting my girls was one of the best decisions i've ever made, and I know you and your children will get so much pleasure from yours. Like Kate i've had mine for about 9-10 months so we've nearly done a cycle of a year, and learned different things in different seasons, but we are all still learning all the time.


My girls love sweetcorn too, I cook frozen corn for them, along with veg peelings. they also love pasta, raisins,seeds, stale bread or cake, but soaked in a little milk first, they love to pick at windfall apples and blackberries (later in the year) and they'll help rid your garden of pests. generally I give these treats in the afternoon, after they've had some layers mash. otherwise they'll not eat the mash as they prefer their treats.

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