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the fox watch works !!!

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I was up & about at dawn this morning & heared a dreadful noise in the garden & found a fox in front of my eglu shaking its head from side to side & howling, it didn't seem to notice me at the back door, at first it then ran to the bottom of the garden. a few mins later it came back & triggered the sensor again this time it was startled & jumped over our fence. Hopefully it won't be back, RESULT!!!!!!

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Wow! I'm convinced that it works, but never seen it in action. I've always assumed they would just run away - luckily they soon learn to avoid it.


I do recommend moving it from time to time, just in case they have adopted a different path that avoids triggering the sensor. I move mine about every three weeks to a slightly different position.


I'm really impressed to hear that it's been seen working!

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good idea, foxes are clever creatures, I'm also waiting for some omlet netting & posts to keep my girls out of the trees & shrubs at the bottom of the garden, I've lost 5 hens when they got in there foxes just grabbed them, They are all confined to the run but I will still only let them out into the fenced off area when I am in the garden. I put an extension on my eglu run & they seem quite happy

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Is it just me, or do foxes not look cute after you've got chickens!? :lol:


I still like them :oops:


Maybe that's because I haven't seen a live one since I moved out of London - and my feelings would no doubt change if they took one of my girls! I loved my half-Bengal cat to bits, but after she was run over one winter I have to confess to feeling a certain amount of relief come spring, because she was an avid hunter and used to bring home whole nests' worth of baby birds :evil:

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I find it positively enjoyable when I see one squished on the road...I said to hubby last weekend, 'That's saved somebody's hens' when one was squashed on the A12.


You can't drive along the Dronfield bypass without seeing a different fox splatted every week.


Some of them are huge.


I must confess to thinking along the same lines as you, Janty.

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