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Green efforts... smelly misadventures...

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I went to add some stuff to the composter the other day... it's one of these cylinder ones on a stand, that you have to tumble a few times each day... well with the heavy rains the last few weeks, I have discovered that the cylinder is not at all water tight... the composter itself is made up of four section slotted together, and obviously rain has been leaking through the joints... as a result, the stuff in there has turned into a very sticky, soaked mess... with accompanying wet rotten fragrance...

While thinking of adding some dry absorbant stuff to the composter, like shredded cardboard and hemcore, I decided, rather absent-mindedly to check that the little plastic mesh think at the bottom of it was not blocked, as that's how excess liquid gets drained off... so I tumbled the thing upside down, and slowly undid the nut that holds the screw in place, to pull off the mesh and check it... it dawned on me, just a second too late, that the screw would fall inside the composter, and so did the other half of the draining element... needless to say, I spent the next half an hour trying to retrieve the screw and plastic bit from inside a stinking bin, juggling it so as to not let too much of it fall off, and I ended totally covered in the stuff... never before did a shower and thorough scrub feel so needed, and clothes thrown instantly into a hot cycle washing machine...

It will teach me to let my mind wander a thousand miles away while dismantling a composter!!! My efforts to go green are turning very smelly indeed...

On the upper side, my worms in the my wormery are looking healthy and active again... nice, nice...

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