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Tessa the Duchess

Virtual love

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I am not normally one to recommend telly programmes but something is on tonight which I must watch. It is on at 9.50 on BBC2. Basically about a married women with I think three kids who spends her whole time in an online world called Second Life. She has fallen in love with another avatar who is all big and butch with a six pack etc., her avatar is a busty sexy woman :roll:

Her children are neglected and her husband is very upset as she has virtual 'ladies and gentlemen' with her online lover :shock: and he considers her to be guilty of adultery. The blurb says the 'couple' eventually meet in the real world and their first real 'date' sounds bum clenchingly embarassing as the guy is a pigeon chested wimp called Reg or somesuch. unmissable :):)

Please somebody watch too so we can discuss :wink:


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What a tart! She is what I would phrase as a lady of the night in second life! Some scenes were shocking!!! She is building castles in the sky & living in them - she neds to wake up to reality! Those people are mentally disturbed by REAL life & are running for escapism! She needs to look & appreciate what she already has! The man she met was a complete waste of time - just out for a good time!

Damn stupid!



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I caught the end of this and OH and I sat there flabergasted :shock:


How can the avatar of a tall skinny busty female and dark toned piercing adorned hunk :? translate into real life :? with normal people, and 'ordinary' lives?


I think I may have missed something but to meet the 'real' thing would be a complete shock, and how they thought they could make it work is beyond me.


I felt very sorry for the children and husband in this :(


OH thinks I'm off now talking to my omlet avatar :lol:


Karen x

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Don't have the web at home and I am not allowed to download the softwear to watch it at work :evil:


I can't even listen to BBC radio sations on the web at work :roll:


I wouldn't mind but I sometimes do night work and it would be good to use these facilities when the rest of the site is quiet I think it takes too much bandwidth or something so they have banned it :?

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I felt very sorry for the children and husband in this :(


Me too :( It was a sad programme rather than funny :roll: Personally I think the internet is as valid a place to meet someone as a club or pub, though obviously the scope for deception is HUGE :( But to meet someone in a virtual world which dictates that you appear as anything but who you really are is madness beyond :shock: As for the couple who had the tacky Second Life wedding :shock: and the photoalbum, complete with the weeping relatives who watched the virtual wedding, words fail me.



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I watched it and felt desperately sorry for the husband and children. It was all very odd. The wedding thing unnerved me (although I thought his avatar was really quite peculiar!). Its the way they had 2 computers and seemed to sit next to each other doing the virtual life thing. I'd rather interact with my husband than sit next to him on computers pretending. And I would imagine it could leave you very discontented with your lot - you know, massive flash beach side villa compared to to your normal abode.


All odd. But I must admit I did wonder how they got their images to move the way they did (including 'that. It must be a very high tech programme.

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