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they won't come out!!??

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my girls have never sought refuge in their coop but today is extremely windy and hail stoney. They've been out in their run most of the day and we gave them some corn on the cob to try and keep them in the run but they've decided, enough is enough, and they've gone into the coop and won't come out.


Will they come out when they're hungry and thirsty or should I put some food and water inside the coop?



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The poor darlings were terrified yesterday as the wind raged and they too dived into the eglu for most of the day.All the hemcore in the nesting box was blown out too,and Matti still managed to lay an egg :)

Coaxed them out today with a Cox's Apple chopped up with a bit of a sprinkling of mixed corn,bless them and they seem to be fine today.

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Poor things! Mine didn't come out of the eglu at first light today either - yesterday's wind and rain must have put them off!


If they've had something with water content already today, I'm sure they'll be alright for a bit. I would see how it goes - if the weather eases up, they might be tempted out again later, especially if you put food and water right near the pop-hole.

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My girls have practically lived in their cube since the dark nights rolled in :roll: but they are especially not happy today - it's windy and snowing here. They are all sat snuggled together peeking out of the door. Poor girlies :(


They have managed a quick dash down the ladder for treats, then it was straight back up the ladder again

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Mine don't seem to care they are out in all weathers they tend to do a lot of clucky complaining when it's horrible but they still go about their business. We have got a plastic cover over most of the run but it only goes part way down on the side nearest the house so that we can keep an eye on them and that is where the rain was coming from yesterday.

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My hardy girls are out in all weathers too. They only ever go into the eglu to sleep or to lay. At least they keep dryer since I put a plastic "roof" over the eglu run. It was so sunny earlier today, they were out and about, but I shut them in the run once it started hailing golfballs!!!!! :shock:

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they did come out in the end but it's so cold out there. My fingers turned to ice after 2 minutes! They've had several handfuls of mealworms and 2 big corn on the cobs btwn them, plus their mash today. I hope that keeps them warm tonight, it's gonna be a cold one! :anxious:

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Yesterday when the weather was really dreadful my girls insisted on freeranging round the garden and nothing would induce them back into their dry, sheltered run. I'd get a couple in, then they'd escape while I tried to shoo the others in. In the end I gave up and left them to it. I don't know whether they're 'hard' or just plain stupid!

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mine wont go in, no way, whatever, unless it is to lay. :notalk:


We have a clear corrougated plastic roof on our hen run (Our run is about 6 ft high) since the bird flu thing. I think this helps somewhat during the winter. They still seem to get wet through the sides but even before the roof they would just stand looking incredibly fed up and soaked through insted of going in.


I tryed talking to them, but they dont listen, they just moan at me!! :roll:


I would much prefer the run open on the top but everytime you think that the bird flu threat is over it rears its head again. I think it is much healther open to the elements.

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Mine were out free-ranging in the snow and wind - having said that, they had taken shelter under a shrub and were scratching and pecking away quite happily......... :D In fact, they seem generally very happy - back up to full production now Spice is now longer broody - and her first egg back (we think it was hers.....) was a huge double-yolker!! :lol:

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