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Egg holders for bantams

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Having seen those helter-skelters, I was thinking I could do with something to hold my girls' eggs - preferably something circular that I could turn as the eggs get used up, e.g.




However I only have bantams now! Has anyone tried putting bantam eggs in an egg rack of this type? Short of going round the shops with one of Angelica's finest, I'm not sure what to choose!

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  Cinnamon said:
Write the date they were laid in pencil on them ,plus the hens name if you can tell whos it is :lol:


I should really do that - I'm just terribly lazy :oops:


At the moment I think only Angelica is laying - until I find one that doesn't look like hers (I have no idea what colour eggs the new girls lay), or two eggs in one day, I can't be sure!

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I don't have bantams but I have a Frisian who lays smaller eggs than a normal hen. Her eggs are too small for my egg rack, which has holes which go all the way through (ie like the one in your picture). It keeps them upright, but that's all, the eggs are smaller than the holes. An egg box type holder, like the omlet shop one, might work better.



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Last year I bought a lovely wooden egg rack and purely by chance it has slightly smaller holes............so unless my 2 baby girls lay very tiny eggs, their bantie eggs just sit very nicely on it :D :D :D


No bantie eggs at the mo though :(:( do they stop laying in the winter :?::?:


My Big Girls have always laid throughout the winter (although at a slightly decreased rate) but this is the first winter we've had banties. We got them at Easter last year and they came into lay about July and were laying everyday until they both moulted in the autumn (and then Millie went v v v broody, broodying the big girls eggs). no sign of egg since although Mable has recently started crouching again when I came near her :?:?:?

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  Shirl said:
Most pure bred bantys don't lay in winter.


Sssh, don't tell Angelica! She started laying the November after we got her, and only really stops her 3-eggs-a-week output when she goes broody (usually in warm weather). She's a pure-bred Silver BL Wyandotte, exactly like the ones you see in photos :)


The two cross-breeds, on the other hand, have yet to give me an egg, but then I've only had them a week so I'm not sure what to expect - every hen is different, it seems!

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To be honest, it deoends on when they hatch Pam; if they hatch from May onwards, then they may just lay through the winter the first time. mine usually start to moult from around the end of September and then start laying again in January. It gives them a nice rest and they can conserve their energy for growing thei new 'spring collection' of feathers.

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My wyandotte is the same and just started laying in Jan, not a sniff from my other purebreeds.


The reason I went for the helter skelter is it looks like it will hold my bantam and big eggs (Im hoping) as I know what you mean, the ones with holes to sit the egg in will be no good. I will let you know if it works out when I get it.

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I got my first Pekin egg for AGES yesterday! V V exciting. My legbar has started up again, but the maran and welsummer are still resolutely crossing their legs. :roll:


We tend to use our bantam eggs for scrambled eggs, so they get used up quite quickly. They seem to have bigger yolks though, so they're ideal!

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