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Ms Tilytinkle

X2 Mrs Pepperpots, Cube & questions :)

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Hello Olly,

Thank you yes, we're all going have different takes on this.

Although gut reaction - I think my preference will be chickens live outside in their coop - me & family inside in our home :) . . but we'll see :)

No doubt we'll get into some happy routine too that suits our workload & the cleanliness we desire with chooks cleaning , their habits etc .

Garlic powder??? i mean - how - why - who ever discovered that if they gave a chicken garlic powder its poops wouldnt be smelly-:) anyway - great tip ..i think if i try to clear their droppings up daily maybe it won't smell. .. will buy a poop a s'coop .. . oh surely it can't be THAT big . .will a hose pipe dissolve it?

when they're free ranging , does the poop just dissolve into lawn or do we remove it as we would dogs etc ? or do they go waaay waaay too often .. hmmm


Anyway . .have a lovely morning. Thanks again.


Ms Tilystillexcited PPPP:D

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Just to add a different view, Mrs Tilytinkle - my chickens, never, ever cross the back doorstep! I love them in the garden, but would not have them in the kitchen under any circumstances - the thought of getting poo on the kitchen floor :vom: - noooo! It's absolutely not obligatory to have them in the house, I assure you! We all have different takes on this.



Phew....I'm glad I'm not the only one.


I just don't fancy it somehow even though I love my girls to bits.

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I'm far too houseproud to let my girls come indoors :liar::whistle:








They always seem to be visiting (usually brought in by ES :roll: ). They're not in for long so poop isn't an issue really (although they've only ever done "pickupable" ones, not the squirty yellow ones :vom: - if they ever do that they're banned :evil: ). I've got an old bedcover I put down under them - they don't move about much as there's nothing to eat :roll: .

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hi - I'd love to let my chickens into the kitchen, but like others here, find the idea of scooping poop in the house a little off putting.


The idea though of scooping chicken poop from the garden just makes me want to sit down with a stiff drink! Its bad enough scooping the poop from the dogs (one of whom insists on doing his business right where I walk to let the hens out or put them to bed - I have to go with an extra brigtht torch now otherwise my slippers have to be replaced ...... dogs LOVE dark chocolate don't then??). I have bark chippings where the Cube and Eglu are located and rake it over now and then just to help break the chicky poo down.


I do sweep down the patio etc early on a Saturday morning before husband goes out in daylight and realises what a mess it is! I am offering it to friends/family as fertiliser ......... and what doesn't get taken away gets put on to my compost heap.


Anyway - must get back to the incubator, my chicks are chirping away and pipping has commenced ....... I need to get clean towels and start boiling the water!

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Hello, Aint "Ooops, word censored!"ody here . . - er except the chickens :)

Thought I'd just take a little peek, being lunch time & all relaxing hour . .surely cant be that much to read . .. . .huh .yikes faint . .chicken on laptop YIKES . .I've killed for less

OOoooh'er I'm not houseproud so what excuse do i have - - except except but they're chickens .. oooh your photies made me draw breath & laugh.


GinaAC . .sorry DC .. . whats this . boiling water, chicks .yikes . I'm off for mocha coffee & scrambled brain


have lovely afternoon


Ms Tilynotquitesosure PPPP:D

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i must admit, mine are not routinely allowed in the house - my pics were taken not long after I got them, they haven't been in since (except for the odd occasion when one of the boys leaves the door open and they rush it). The shout goes up: Chickens in the house!! and they get shooed out again. Usually they just want to raid the dog food! :lol:

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Mine have never been in the house - I'd be there with the Dettol for hours if one of them pooed!


In the summer, we're planning to get poultry netting to keep them at the bottom of the garden so the boys can play on the lawn without worrying about the poo




Your children worry about the poo? :? Mine don't, in fact they seem totally oblivious to it :(:(:roll:

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Your children worry about the poo?


No, other people (mainly My Mother) worry about them stepping in the poo! Although I must admit they rarely wear shoes outside in the summer and the idea of cleaning chicken poo off their feet is a bit :vom:

My boys are only actually interested in the poo when they watch one come out of a hen's backside - and that is the most interesting thing, ever!


Generally, my boys would far rather be inside watching tv than out in the garden - probably because I don't let them do anything interesting like digging big holes (in the flowerbed) and filling them with water.


The main reason for penning the hens in during the summer is that I want to be able to leave the back door open and don't want to end up with stairgates and the like - we've only just got rid of them for the children!



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You must all be thinking I'm really manky :oops: . My girls have only ever poo'd on the old bedcover I've put under them so it's not been as revolting as you're all thinking :? . They didn't poo on the piano or the laptop :wink: .


Not at all, I just think you like taking risks - there was no guarantee that they wouldn't poo on the piano, was there!

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