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After one Week...

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... of chicken ownership, I have made a few observations:


1. Chickens get stressed too. Getting stuck in traffic for an hour on an unseasonally hot day on the way home from collecting the girls was not a good way to start out. What should have been a 90 minute drive became a 2 1/2 hour nightmare with the poor chickens bok-boks getting louder and more distressed. Discovering that the cause of this traffic jam was a crossing guard helping university students cross the road..... :evil:

Note to Self: RRR - Remember the Rescue Remedy :!:


2. The simplest explanation is generally the right explanation. Found what looked to be blood in George's poo and went into instant newbie panic. Trolled the 'www' trying to find out what this meant, took George the only avian vet around for 50 miles, shelled out $100 in fees and 'tests', only to be told George is fighting fit. :oops: Blood in poo (or anything else for that matter) turns black as it ages. :doh:

Note to Self: Adopt OH's approach to life and wait 24 hours before (over-re)acting.

Additional NtS: Sometimes the 'www' has too much information.


3. Sometimes less is not more. After umm-ing and ahh-ing over how many chickens to get and whether we had enough space to house them I settled for just 2 Australorps which can get as big as Orpingtons. With so many other pretties available subtle pressure is being exerted on OH to build a "Coop-de-Ville" fit for my girls and their future friends.

NtS: Next time go with first instincts and get more! :wall:


4. Chicken Watch is more addictive than Desperate Housewives. My favourite part of the day now is heading out to the garden before it gets dark to let the girls out, throw them some scratch and sit back with an adult beverage to watch their antics.

NtS: Hang a 'DND' sign on the inside of the back door so that the family knows to leave me in peace for an hour. :wink:

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Good Morning Ladies,

Hope you're all well this fine bright but very chilly morning brrrrrrr!!

Ah, great post Kiwichick - hope all are now healthy & happy with no more stress or heath scares.

From one who is in the process of waiting for ours to arrive, i originally ordered 2 Miss Pepperpots but only yesterday decided to order another one ... & have a little whisper to my right suggesting i should just go for it & order 6!!! ( yes Michelle thats you :)


Enjoy your peaceful moments enjoying the sundown drinkies with the chicks :)


Do the chickens naturally head for home when it gets dark or do you have to put them back?


Ms Tilytinkle PPPPPP(cube green)


PS., NtS: No time for regrets - always trust instinct - never too late for change . .ie. order 2 more chooks :)

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Afternoon Ladies who collect eggs,

Okay, this team building, well can they do shopping & housework too . . i can give them a to do list agenda for their team building skills , which they will be highly rewarded for :) just to encourage & support.:wink:


Funnily enough my hubby was just asking last night if we have to 'home' them, i thought it would be wise to .. but that i would ask anyway.

What's the normal 'homing' duration ?


Ms Tilyischilly



PPPPPP(cube green)

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... of chicken ownership, I have made a few observations:



Additional NtS: Sometimes the 'www' has too much information.



I completely agree, I sometimes go on to look up chicken or human illnesses thinking its something minor and it gives me information that I dont want to see and sends me into an unecessary panic! :roll:


Now you've got them home sit back and enjoy, I could watch my lot all day but over here now its a bit cold to be sat out.....brrrrrr! :D

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:lol: I thought I would give all you "eggsperts" a break from the usual.



We've let the chooks out a quite few times but they spook themselves silly and go tearing back inside the Eglu faster than I thought chickens could run. They spend a lot of the day tucked up in there but always come out when I go outside. I fenced off one of my garden beds for them to play around in but they flew over the fence I made and ran back home.:shock: I really thought that I would end up having to heard them back into the run but they seem to feel very safe in there.

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... of chicken ownership, I have made a few

4. Chicken Watch is more addictive than Desperate Housewives. My favourite part of the day now is heading out to the garden before it gets dark to let the girls out, throw them some scratch and sit back with an adult beverage to watch their antics.

NtS: Hang a 'DND' sign on the inside of the back door so that the family knows to leave me in peace for an hour. :wink:


thats the best of keeping chickens just sitting and watching them :D

going see ITV or bbc about putting on a chicken watch prog better then the rubbish thats on tv now

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