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Setting up a run at school ****UPDATED 17th March****

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I promised to keep you all in the loop. The Governors gave the go-ahead last Friday and it's been half-term this week. I went in to school today to take in some marking etc and the site staff came running to get me. They were super eggcited to show me something....




Better than i could ever have expected. it's based on a design we found on t'internet for £650 but this has cost just £240. The kids can now apply the woodstain and we are hopefully getting some ex-batts in March.


The whole thing is not complete yet, we are going to graduate the ramp to approx 20% gradient with a mezzanine table halfway as I know ex-batts aren't up to scaling everst at the start. :D

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i love it!!!


please keep us updated, because i am really tempted to set one up in my school...


what would stop me really is the fact that some kids have got a thing about vandalising anything in my school...

also, can you tell me who is going to take care of them during the holidays? (summer holiday in particular...)


fantastic job!!!

have you spoken to some students about it?

what have they said?

are they excited?



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There is a small group of ASDAN students in yr11 who have helped me set it all up. Theyput together a powerpoint on battery farming etc after seeing the Hugh's Chciken Run programme.


We are setting up a club to look after the hens, initially with those 6 kids but allowing others to get invoed if they want. Then from September, we will get the new yr7 involved as part of the new curriculum structure with the 20% local issues time.


As for the holidays, there are 7 staff who live nearby who have agreed to come in, (most of the Associate staff come in during the hols anyway) to help look after them.

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That's great :D . Let us know how it goes!


I hope the kids are more enthusiastic than the class I gave a wee chicken talk to this week :roll: . Six 7 year old autistic children - they couldn't have been less interested if they'd tried :lol: . One wee chap at least remembered their names and asked about them the next day (but that's only because he's obsessed with names :roll: ).

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yep, that's it, although it's being painted by the kids now.


I have the original group of year 11s who will be leaving soon but 15 year 8s have asked to do daily egg checks etc between them so we have set up a rota with a member of staff.


The staff are mainly, non-teaching staff, so it's a nice way for them to get to know the kids too

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The chickens arrive on Tuesday. So excited and the kids and staff wont stop asking "When are they coming?" I think they think they're royal chickens or something.


Also in the paper this week.


http://www.essexchronicle.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=170532&command=displayContent&sourceNode=170515&contentPK=20072367&moduleName=InternalSearch&formname=sideb"Ooops, word censored!"arch

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Well, the girls arrived by Nissan micra at 1pm today to a welcoming committee of 4 students and 5 staff and 2 press photographers


They have settled in well after a quick run about and have enjoyed their mash.


We had our first egg at 3:30 but sadly, in their excitement, they kicked it and it cracked.


see the photos in the gallery





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