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coooeee James *becons james into thread*

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have you got any plans in the pipe line for a chicken mud bath?


some thing that could hook over the wire to stop it tipping over??




just an idea...


you know the extentions you are making... have you thought of making a 2 story extention? (I have drawn up some plans)


that way people with limited space can have more space for the chooks (with a little sloaping plastic ladder... maybe where the food / water /mudbath could be kept away from the floor space).. the "floor" in the second level would also give the chooks something to cover them over when its raining.



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I've got one for you to go at then Kaz. :idea: can you design the run with an access area somewhere in the middle to save me looking like i'm doing a bad version of yoga when i need to move stuff about in the run.

Also, new run extention no good for me coz no space at the end of the run but plenty at the side so I need one that goes round corners. The two storey one sounds good.


Anyone want a chocolate raisin? Got a crush on M&S ones at the moment!

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