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Bed time for Chickens

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Hello all,


Getting used to the chickens now - I have to watch my daughter though because she wants to get in the run with them and she gets a bit excited and squeely around them which freaks them out a bit!


But I have a question - what is their bedtime? I know they go into their Eglu at dusk but should I shut the door then or wait until I go to bed? They seem to be pecking the door to get out in the morning and seem really hungry. I usually let them out by 8am.


Any help would be much appreciated


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I only close the door to the eglu when it's really freezing. The rest of the time I leave it open and they can come and go as they please. They really like to be up and out at first light, which is fine in Winter but a bit of a chore when the mornings get light earlier so it's easier all round to leave it to them.

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Although I'm a novice (only had my chickens for a month) I close the run door after they've gone in on their own, then I leave them for maybe half an hour before closing the eglu door, because

a, they come out of the eglu if they hear me coming anyway, and

b, I like to leave them the option of having a little nosh and drink before bed if they so desire! and Molly does indeed come out 5 mins later to do that, its like she wants to stay up later than the other two!

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I close the door when I go to bed - it involves a mad dash across the garden with a torch to get there before they hear me because they associate the sound of the door opening with food! My husband has not got teh hang of the speed needed at all yet :lol: but I am a fairly new owner and intend to leave the door open soon ish once the freee is over as they do like to be up and about early in summer.

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They seem to be pecking the door to get out in the morning and seem really hungry. I usually let them out by 8am.



I had to laugh this morning when my two came racing out of the door when I opened it at 6.45am. It was like the first day of the sales as they each barged each other out of the way to get to the food.


Being new to the wonderful world of chickens, I've been putting them to bed at sunset and opening it at sunrise, but I may try leaving it a bit longer in the evening. My biggest concern about leaving the door open is our friendly local urban fox, who is current digging through our compost heap every night. Perhaps it's the chicken droppings attracting him :?

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I have heard lots of stories of hens being wiped out by foxes getting under/over 6ft high fences.

Unless you are certain a fox cannot get into the run, I would always close up the hut as soon as it goes dark - better safe than sorry. I open mine up again about 7.30-8am. Not always appealing when its cold/wet/windy but again better that than losing them to foxes.

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I wait till they've been in the eglu for a good while before going out to shut the door. I usually give them a bedtime story and a cuddle (well, you know what I mean :oops: ) before removing the glug/grub or they sometimes come out for a nosey :roll: .


In the morning, my OH lets them out once it starts getting light or at weekends, just when we get up. They don't seem to mind too much what the time is. (May be different when it's light really early in the summer though :roll: .)

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