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OK, I am getting fed up now!

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Hi all, sorry I have been missing, but I am back with questions.

My hens are about 30 weeks old. I wormed them for a week when I got them. I keep them in until the afternoon with just layers pellets to eat and fresh water to drink, and still no flipping eggs :twisted::evil::evil: I am fed up to sat the least. My daughter put a play plastic egg in the egg port to encourage them, and even that has gone missing :( To be fair, it is only Clover that looks red enough in the face to start laying, the other 2 are very pale.

Please help. I am having to buy eggs, and it is really anoying!

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Thanks for your reply Egluntine. I keep reading about everyone elses lovely productive birds, and mine are only making good composting stuff lol.

I have some stuff here called potent brew. Does anyone use that on their chucks? I give it to my parrotlets to encourage them to breed. They don`t do their job either :?

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I too was getting very hacked off - my girls arrived on 12th November and 3rd December and as you can see from below only started laying recently. I reckon they must now be about 32 ish weeks...it will happen and it sounds like you are doing everything right - it must be the winter days...are they crouching yet? Mine started laying within days of doing it....fingers crossed :(

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Thank you everyone for your help, and thanks for all you fellow none laying chicken owners. I feel better knowing I am not alone.

I have no idea if my hens are crouching. I covered the run so effectively I can`t see my ladies at all unless I am at the end of it :?

My kids are going to search the garden over the weekend on the off chance they are laying under something. I hope they aren`t. I will have to cry if I have to throw them away!

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I know just how it feels! Molly and Spice are now 31 and 33 weeks and they're still not laying. Molly has been crouching, but haven't found any eggs from her.


I you do find eggs in the garden you can check their freshness by doing the egg test. This is where you put the egg into a jug of water and if it floats it's off and if it sinks it's fresh. If it's halfway it means it's old, but you can still eat it.

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Oh, you are not alone! We've had ours for four weeks today and they are still freeloading! Yesterday Dora started doing a weird pacing up and down the run and kept looking into the Eglu (she normally ignores the Eglu totally apart from going in it when it gets dark) so I was very excited and kept checking throughout the day but still no eggs. I have only one supermarket free range egg left in my fridge and I refuse to BUY any more, so they will have to get a move on soon because I have a birthday cake to make soon....



(green eglu)

GNR Doris, Welsummer

PP Dora, Wyandotte

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It is frustrating, and you think it is never going to happen. I was getting daily texts from friends asking 'have they laid an egg yet?' and lots of teasing about whether I'd been given cockerels by mistake. Yours are still quite young, and the lengthening of the days makes a big difference.


However, I am actually slightly jealous, because I can still remember the amazing, awe-inspiring moment when I opened the eggport and there was an EGG!


I still feel a little thrill when I open the eggport, even though two of mine lay daily without a break, but the first egg is a fantastic moment. And it's going to happen to you very soon!

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Have you tried uncovering part of the run, or using see through plastic? I seem to remember that the light getting into the run and therefore that the chickens receive might effect the length of time before chickens begin laying? I'm sure it won't be too long now!

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Yesterday Dora started doing a weird pacing up and down the run and kept looking into the Eglu (she normally ignores the Eglu totally apart from going in it when it gets dark) so I was very excited and kept checking throughout the day but still no eggs.


The restlessness is usually a sign that they are nearly ready to start laying - it's like their nesting hormones are starting to kick in but they're not quite sure what to do about it! :lol:


Oh, and if she suddenly starts "bwark-bok-bok-bok"-ing one day for no apparent reason, check the nestbox - that seems to be chicken-speak for "OMG, you'll never believe what just came out of my bum!!!"

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Yesterday Dora started doing a weird pacing up and down the run and kept looking into the Eglu (she normally ignores the Eglu totally apart from going in it when it gets dark) so I was very excited and kept checking throughout the day but still no eggs.


The restlessness is usually a sign that they are nearly ready to start laying - it's like their nesting hormones are starting to kick in but they're not quite sure what to do about it! :lol:


Oh, and if she suddenly starts "bwark-bok-bok-bok"-ing one day for no apparent reason, check the nestbox - that seems to be chicken-speak for "OMG, you'll never believe what just came out of my bum!!!"



very well described ilike that :lol:

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Thank you all for putting a smile on my face :D I will set up a microphone to hear the laying egg noises lol.

The run is covered with opaque plastic, and it looks as light in there as outside, plus I let them out every afternoon. Lets face it, they are lazy chucks and they think they are on their holidays!

I have the camera ready for the big moment. It sits by the back door. I haven`t taken any pics of my new granddaughter for ages :oops:

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I hope it happens soon for you :pray: . The waiting seems interminable - but it's all worth it when you see your first egg :D .


Re the crouching, they won't do it unless you put your hand above their back. If they suddenly squat down, stick their "elbows" out sideways and do a little wiggle (little hussies think you're a cockeral :roll: ), you've got a croucher and it won't be long :lol:.

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Re the crouching, they won't do it unless you put your hand above their back. If they suddenly squat down, stick their "elbows" out sideways and do a little wiggle (little hussies think you're a cockeral :roll: ), you've got a croucher and it won't be long :lol:.


That's strange Vicky, as my girls crouch as soon as you go near them and you don't have to put your hand above their backs...Maybe I have ultra friendly hens! :lol:

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