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Tessa the Duchess

Soda Stream

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I am thinking of buying one of these, or hopefully getting one from Freecycle, so I can stop buying 2ltr plastic bottles of fizzy water. I read some reviews of them and apparently it is really hard to buy replacement cartridges. Does anybody use a Soda Stream, find the cartridges easy to get, or does anybody have any recommendations of other soda water makers?



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Hi Tessa. We used to have a soda stream and really loved it. We got replacement cartridges from boots and tescos. However, this all abruptly stopped and no-where stocks the cartridges. It worked out very expensive including postage to source them directly, but this was the only option.


We buy big 2 litre bottles of fizzy water now, as it was just too expensive/ too much hasstle to sort out the refils.


I hope that this has changed and that you get some more positive feedback, as my experience is from a few years ago - I shall be watching this thread with interest.

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Hi Tessa. We used to have a soda stream and really loved it. We got replacement cartridges from boots and tescos. However, this all abruptly stopped and no-where stocks the cartridges. It worked out very expensive including postage to source them directly, but this was the only option.


Thanks lil chickadee. The reviews I read said exactly the same as you, Tesco, Boots and Sainsbury's all stopped selling them. Hmmmm wonder if it is a conspiracy to make us buy expensive bottled water? I looked on E.bay and you can buy them there but unless you buy 360 at a time they are really expensive and postage is horrific :evil: Oh well maybe someone will come along with some good news.



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Hello Tessa,

I owned one of these until recently. (I'm not a very good advert for it, as I sold it at a boot sale cos I never used it). I bought the flavours and the gas canisters all at sainsburys so have they only stopped selling them very recently?

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Hello Tessa,

I bought the flavours and the gas canisters all at sainsburys so have they only stopped selling them very recently?


One of the reviewers said that a month or so ago Soda Streams were being sold in Sainsburys as a 'manager's special' but they had stopped selling the cartridges, which makes no sense at all. They are in the current Argos Cat.

but no cartridges to go with them :evil:



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