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Dilemma. what breed?

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I had put in an order for two jasmine hybrids and an amber star

to join my 5 existing girls in their cube. Now I find out that Wernlas will deliver and I have always wanted a silver laced Wyandotte and some Aracaunas - do I go with my reliable hybrid layers or go for some pretty pure breeds. I cant decide now and I dont have room for both..................... help! :roll:

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well how do your existing lay?

are you getting enough eggs?

my araucana is frankly too posh to push!

she went off lay last July and hasn't started again yet (although she's been seen lurking around the nest alot lately :wink: )


however,she is everyone's favourite chicken...the most friendly, the funniest and she remains aloof from the other girls, never lowering herself to become involved in pecking order disputes. Even my dog loves her.


We have two hybrids and two pretty bantams....best of both I reckon :lol:

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You could go for some pretty hybrids and get the best of both worlds. Speckeldys and Magpies look a bit like silver laced wyandottes if you half close your eyes and wave your hand in front of your face.


There are some beautiful hybrids that can give a purebreed a run for it's money in the looks department in my opinion.


Araucanas have those funny cauliflower ear things too - I couldn't deal with that!!

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I think the Silver laced wyandottes are lovely too :D


As for the egg issue, I have 2 hybrids and 5 purebreeds, this week I have had 6 eggs twice, 3 eggs once, with the other days being 4/5 eggs days.


I couldn't tell you how bad it gets in winter, the only purebreed that started laying in Oct still layed at least 3 a week.....



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Speckeldys and Magpies look a bit like silver laced wyandottes if you half close your eyes and wave your hand in front of your face.

Whilst riding a galloping horse!! :lol::lol:


Wyandottes are very beautiful. I think one or two hens should be there for decorative purposes if that is what you want.


The Wernlas Collection deliver you say.... :think: Hmmmmm. I think I wish I didn't know that! :lol:

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Speckeldys and Magpies look a bit like silver laced wyandottes if you half close your eyes and wave your hand in front of your face.

Whilst riding a galloping horse!! :lol::lol:


Wyandottes are very beautiful. I think one or two hens should be there for decorative purposes if that is what you want.


The Wernlas Collection deliver you say.... :think: Hmmmmm. I think I wish I didn't know that! :lol:


Bet they don't deliver THAT far! (Please don't correct me if I'm wrong - I won't be able to resist!)

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£50 ....you could have a couple more hens for that price!


Still...if you were to drive down, you would probably spend that on fuel....and a meal....and would probably come back with more hens than you intended!!


So it might be cheaper in the long run. :lol::lol::lol:


Well knowing what I am like it would!! :lol:

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Its not jyst me though, I can just imagine 2 grumpy teenagers in the car all day , just for chickens!! :D


I am waiting for Pimlotts poultry to email me back - I can pick up from a farmers market they do about 10 miles away - its a lot closer than garden poultry. No blue egg layers at the moment tho :cry: Still - they have magpies, bluebelles and ambers :wink:

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Its not jyst me though, I can just imagine 2 grumpy teenagers in the car all day , just for chickens!! :D


I am waiting for Pimlotts poultry to email me back - I can pick up from a farmers market they do about 10 miles away - its a lot closer than garden poultry. No blue egg layers at the moment tho :cry: Still - they have magpies, bluebelles and ambers :wink:



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They go to a farmers market at Abbey leys farm which is High Legh near knutsford/Lymm, About 10 miles from me.


First Friday, Altrincham.


First Saturday every month Barnard Castle


First Sunday, Abbey Leys, Knutsford


Second Saturday, Orton, J38 M6


Second Sunday, Mosley, Manchester


Third Saturday, Brough


Third Sunday, Houghton Tower


Last Friday. Kendal


Last Sunday Ashton Under Lyne




EVERY WEDNESDAY @ Higher Bentham

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OK - I have ordered 2 magpies, a bluebell and an Amber star. I think that will satsify my need for prettyness as well as get me more eggs! :lol::lol: they will have to spend the week in the old wooden house and run I am borrowing back from nextdoor, as they arrive 2 days before my cube - but then we can put the cube together and they can go in the eglu run inside the big run by day and sleep with the big girls at night. Should be fun and games :roll::roll:

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