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Fur 'n' Feathers

Lord of the Rings Show

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Wow!! We went to see Lord of the Rings at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane yesterday as part of Feathers birthday present.


It was an absolutely fanatastic show. The whole front of the theatre was taken up with a ceiling to floor structure of branches covering up to and over the first boxes. The ring-wraiths were on stilts with horse structures flowing down from their waistes. The orcs were amazing with extensions on their arms which they used to prance on all fours. The tree ents were on huge stilts. The use of illusion to make Frodo disappear couldn't be worked out. Gollum climbed down the branch structure from top to bottom upside down, whilst talking. The battle scenes with a combination of fight choreography and projection onto voil curtain strips in front conveyed the tension really well. They used trapeze-type skills, wires and ?bungies to give a sense of floating spirit to the elves.


We had wondered how they could condense the books into 3 hours and keep the plot, but by concentrating on the key figures they kept the spirit of the story.


It was brilliant to watch, both in story and in visuals and the music was also excellent. If you want to taste a bit go to: http://www.lotr.com

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we went to see the Hobbit a few years ago, I dont remember the set being anything at all, but the actors all made up for it - it was really good :D


the best show I ever saw for a fantastic set was Terry Pratchetts "Guards Guards".


it was made of 2 walls about 3 foot wide and 10 ft high. length was about 12 foot.


the cast moved the wall to show different parts of the city and buildings (if you read TP you know Ankh Morpork :D . these walls moved (must have been on casters or something) and went round with so many combinations it was unbelieveable :D .

it was fab, would love to see it again :D




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Sounds great!

In LOTR the stage has a circular centre stage which can rotate and in itself is divided up into different parts. Each part can rise & fall, giving different height structures to the sets.


It's amazing what can be achieved with minimal props - leaves much more to the imagination.


Is the Hobbit still on anywhere?

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