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I don't think you'll find them in the big shops :(


You might find them in a local healthfood type shop. Failing that, there's a few places online you can get them. We have used both of these:









Thanks for the links Rob. I have just spent a small fortune on both of the sites :lol:

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I did consider the 5 litre containers :lol:


I've ordered soaps,liquid soaps, shampoos, conditioners, moisturisers, lip balms, handcreams, deodourant, erm? something else and I think something else :?


If I like these products I will buy in bulk to save some cash :D


Going back shopping today to buy some laundry items, which I should have done last night as one of the sites had free postage on the first order :doh:

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How did you get on with the laundry items?


If you do decide to start getting the 5 litre containers then you'll find it easier if you also get the pumps to go with them (it's much easier than trying to pour!) I searched around and found that the cheapest place was actually Faith In Nature where they're £3 each. There's some on eBay for about £10!!


Let us know what you think of the products once you start using them :)



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I didn't order any laundry items in the end.


I received an email from one of the companies regarding the postage to me. As I do not live on the UK mainland :? (I do actually) they have hammered with with the postage costs.


Will try and source items locally :?


Its not easy being green and certainly not cheap if you live north of Glasgow :evil:

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Thanks for the lovely offer :D:D


I have found a place quite near to me :D:D so I will try them out next time.


The original postage for my order was £3.50, this jumped to £9.50 because of my location.


I wonder if folks 'down South' have to pay extra postage if they ever order anything from 'up North' :?

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I work in Sainsburies and they do a small range of thier own brand paraben free shampoos and conditioners. These tend to be avaliable in the largest of stores only though, so you might have to travel.


There pretty good though and are only £1.99 each but regularly appear on offers, I like them and stock up when they are on offer.



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